No guests, fans, no standing, no alcohol: The 36 clubs of the German football League have agreed on a uniform approach to the possible return of at least some of the spectators in the stadium. The General Assembly of the DFL decided on Tuesday at the request of the DFL-Bureau temporary Changes in the regulations. A fourth Central point of the temporary introduction of Tickets, which are used during the Corona-pandemic to a personalized Online follow-up of chains of Infection to be possible is.

Final decision

“a priority in Germany for the authorities, not full stadiums, but the health Situation,” said DFL managing Director Christian Seifert during a press conference in. “Currently, Corona plays and a very important role.” The final decision on whether actually to or soon after the start of the season in the Bundesliga and the 2. League are permitted on the third weekend of September, viewers, is the responsibility of the authorities.

The first DFB Cup round is from 11. to 14. September terminated. Finally, the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) had expressed in the face of rising Numbers of new infections doubt. He holds League games with 25,000 spectators “is very hard to imagine”. There is also a discussion about games with significantly less Fans in the stands. The DFL had sent in mid-July, a guide to the Clubs, so that they can create, in consultation with the health authorities in individual security and hygiene concepts for your location.

Fan Alliance “Our curve” criticized DFL-plans

in a uniform prohibition of regulated now dealing with the tickets and the alcohol. This is how the “temporary implementation of Games without standing places” first, to 31. October. The measures, to play without guests, fans, as well as for tracking of infection due to apply until the end of the year. The exact configuration of the tracking is the responsibility of the club, said Seifert, who also stressed that no principle had been taken decisions for the long-term future of professional football in Germany.

The Fan Alliance “Our curve” had criticized the plans of the DFL in advance. “With all the longing that I myself as a regular stadium-goers, we live in a pandemic. And the reason should always put the protection of health forward,” said Board member Jost Peter on Tuesday in info radio by rbb and stressed: “If the case numbers are increasing and it follows that the game of football is not to visit, then I accept that.” I

in the event of approval of viewers need clear rules, if there should be Tickets first, just in personalised on-line Form, called Peter. So the “given data should be used (only) to the health protection and not for other purposes,” such as a Monitoring of the Fans. This commitment must be made by the Clubs open, said Peter.

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