in the face of rising again, the Corona-infection in Germany, the mask of compulsory moves will always pay more in the spotlight. Several States, exacerbate the gait to be “the mask muffles” in buses and trains, Mr. Such as North Rhine-Westphalia announced on Wednesday (5. August), in the case of violations of the mask duty to impose in the future, without a warning, a fine of 150 euros.

German economy Minister Peter Altmaier has called for tougher penalties for breaches of the Corona-rules. “What we are experiencing in the moment, increase in Risk, Essentially goes back to the careless and sometimes irresponsible misconduct of a very small number of people,” said the Minister. “We need to bind more effectively than in the past and in cases where it comes, therefore, to infections and outbreaks, effective sanction: This includes fines and penalties if there is intent or gross negligence.”

Baden-Württemberg: sanctions from 25 to 250 Euro.

Who does not comply with the state of the obligation to the mouth, nose and covering in public spaces, on the a financial penalty of 25 to 250 Euro comes.

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Bavaria: 150 Euro penalty for violation of mask duty

Germany’s area largest state is a violation of the mask duty of 150 euros. This applies to persons aged 14 years and over. For shop owners, ensure that your Personal mask wearing, are even provided 5000 Euro fine.

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Berlin: fines of up to € 500

In the capital, it can be costly: mask objectors must reckon with a fine of 50 to 500 Euro.

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Brandenburg threatens: to Date, no fines

In the catalog of fines for Corona violations in the state of Brandenburg is not the listed not Wear a mask currently. It’s a violation of the minimum bid, 50 to 250 Euro fine.

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Bremen: so Far, no penalty for mask objectors planned

About financial penalties for the refusal against the mouth-nose cover, nothing is currently known. If you carry in the smallest Federal state of Germany has no such covering, can manage, if necessary, with scarves or blankets.

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Hamburg: Currently there is no penalty to

In Hamburg, falls threaten the store owners engage with customers without a mask, fines between 500 and 1000 Euro. For individuals, the mouth, nose covering to resist, but no financial penalties known.

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Hesse: 50 Euro for a mask, a refusal to be

Who is in breach of, in the state of Hesse repeatedly against the mask of duty, repeated, may be subject to a fine of 50 Euro.

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Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: 25 Euro penalty for disregard

In the North-East of Germany will be charged 25 Euro for a mask objectors.

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lower Saxony is planning to fine: 150 euros for mask objectors

lower Saxony would like to continue to collect as well as North Rhine-Westphalia, in the case of violations of the mask mandatory in buses and trains, a fine of 150 euros. We are currently working on a revised version of the penalty catalogue. So far, the catalogue of fines for mask objectors in lower Saxony a 20 Euro fine. The exact amount is at the discretion of the local authorities.

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, North Rhine-Westphalia is planning to fine: 150 euros for “mask muffle”

North Rhine-Westphalia wants to Railways in the case of violations of the mask mandatory in buses, trams or street immediately in the future a fine of 150 euros will be imposed. NRW-Minister of transport, Hendrik Wüst (CDU) said the “Rheinische Post” (Wednesday, 5. August): “in the Meantime, everybody should have understood, that in all, a mask is mandatory. Therefore, it is quite clear: anyone Who is caught without a mouth-nose protection, you must get out at the next stop and pay.” Wüst, announced: “We want a tightening, so that immediately at the first violation of the mask of duty, a fine of 150 Euro is due.”

The tightening should occur with a Review of the NRW-corona protection regulation in mid next week , said a Ministry spokesman. It applied to all trains, even long-distance trains in NRW.

so Far, fines in NRW will only be charged if passengers refuse, in spite of a corresponding request further, the mask. This admonition is to be eliminated. Wüst said that they wanted to “not have a long discussion with mask-muffles”. The solidarity with the weakest members of society. “The small discomfort of wearing the mask, preventing a possible disaster.”

problems with the “mask muffles,” there is, in practice, especially in the case of leisure traffic, said the Ministry spokesman. Commuters be deceiving, however, almost 100 percent of the mask.

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Rheinland-Pfalz: It is a cautionary ten Euro.

is Who needs to be in Rheinland-Pfalz without a mouth-nose cover or in public TRANSPORT or in a shop is on the way, so far “only” with a using money of ten euros expected. Higher the fine will be when employees open stores, have not covered the mouth and nose and there are no other protective measures were taken, this can be a fine of 250 euros for the operators punished.

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Saarland: so Far, no fines

In the Saarland threatens, there is currently no penalty for mask objectors. However, the Controller or operator will be asked, for example, a Restaurants to checkout, when guests wear a mask. It is up to 500 Euro fine threaten.

This does not apply to the operator of the public passenger transport (Railways, trams, buses, taxis, and passenger aircraft), you only need to point to the duty.

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Saxony: to date, no fine is specified

In Saxony, is not the Lack of a mouth-nose protection in the trade or public transit, with a fine. However, a fine in the amount of 150 Euro is in danger of non-compliance with the Minimum distance of 1.5 meters.

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Sachsen-Anhalt: there is Currently no penalty for mask objectors to

Also falls in Saxony-Anhalt, nose covering to fall when not Wearing a mouth-a fine. For each Person involved, which celebrates in a public place, however, 250 Euros of criminal money.

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Schleswig-Holstein is planning penalty: – the amount is still unclear, 150 Euro, but “upper limit”

the state of Schleswig-Holstein will also be fines for mask objectors in buses and trains introduce. “We find the idea good,” said the Prime Minister, Daniel Günther (CDU) on Wednesday in Kiel. Such a scheme should also be in the state of Schleswig-Holstein set.

In Schleswig-Holstein has not agreed to the state government on the amount of the fine. The North Rhine-Westphalia, planned for 150 Euro are likely to be the upper limit, it said. The country also announced to relax the Corona-protection measures for the time being. The Situation in Schleswig-Holstein was not a matter of concern, said Günther. He pointed, but at least two-digit Numbers in the daily new infections. “Corona is not going away.” Now is the time for more easing was not.

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Thüringen: 50 Euro fine for contempt of the mask duty

The violation of the Mask requirements to fall in the Federal state of Thuringia, is 50 euros. Expensive it is also in disregard of the Minimum distance: 100 euros.

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