Victoria Draves (born Manalo) was on the 31. December, 1924, the daughter of a Filipinos, and an Englishwoman in San Francisco born. She has a twin sister. Originally, it was Draves dream to be a ballet dancer.

As a Half-Asian woman, Victoria Draves discrimination

suffered swim Draves learned at 9 years old. With 16 years she came to the water jump. To be able to the Sport to pursue, she had to arrive at the former race rules. Since the Pearl Harbor-were discriminated against, attacks Asians in the US violently. So Draves was allowed to train as a daughter of Filipinos not in the local swimming clubs.

for this reason, you began your career under the birth name of her mother. At the US indoor Championships in 1945, she was ranked as one of the Victoria Taylor under coach Lyle Draves second place behind Zoe-Ann Olsen. After the war, the athlete married the coach Draves and moved to the Los Angeles Athletic Club.

close call at the Olympic Games in 1948 in London

in 1946 until 1948, won the Vicki Draves of the US championship title in the tower jump and won also in 1948, from the Three-Meter Board. In both disciplines, you could qualify for the Olympic games in 1948 were held in London.

On 3. August came there in the art of jumping to a very close decision between Draves and her rival Zoe-Ann Olsen. Draves won the Competition with a half point lead.

with a half-point advantage – this time against Patricia Elsener – could you finally decide three days later, the tower jump for themselves. Draves was the first water jumper who was able to win the same Olympic Games, in both competitions.

Olympic champion Draves married her Trainer

in 1950 withdrew Draves and family planning was devoted to. She and her coach, Lyle Draves had four sons. In 1969, the Olympia was recorded the winner in the hall of fame of international sport.

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