Shortly before the nomination party of the days of Democrats and Republicans in the USA now in August, the gap between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is reduced just. More recently, Biden was almost 10 per cent in the lead. Now he is about six percent ahead of the incumbent. In the most competitive States in the lead of Biden is even lower, at 4.7 percent. In the case of a margin of error of 3 percent is not very much.

primaries in Missouri

In this position, reach President Trump, even – for him – good news from Missouri. There, Cori Bush has won the democratic primary against William Lacy Clay. The result of this election would actually be no news that would generate nationwide attention in the United States or even Europe would be relevant. But it is; it is. Because Cori Bush represents exactly left-wing political positions, the President of Trump and his alleged against candidate Joe Biden to the leg to bind. Cori Bush is, for example, to cut the police Budget.

About the expert

Prof. Dr. Thomas hunter since 1999 holder of the chair for International politics and foreign policy at the University of Cologne. His research interests are in international relations, and American and German foreign policy.

but There is a reason why your choice is victory sit up and take notice. Because of her intra-party opponent, William Lacy Clay has represented the constituency since 2001 in the house of representatives. And he wanted again to Washington. Such a long time and well-networked member is usually voted out of office. And it gets even better. Because from 1969 to 2001, the electoral district of Bill Clay was represented, the father of the current member of Parliament. The Clays have represented for the last 52 years, this constituency before next year Cori Bush will occupy the seat. Because of the fact that it is elected, there will be in the deep-blue constituency, no doubt. That says a lot about the mood in the democratic party.

The Squad

Bush will then belong to the circle of the members of what is now referred to as “The Squad”. Young female Deputy, taking in the party clearly left-wing positions. Especially the New York Congressman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now so well known that even Donald you Trump abbreviate only as AOC and everyone knows who is meant. To reach such notoriety in the first term, testifies to the professional PR approach.

AOC is Trump, as well as Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Presley as the epitome of the left Democrats. That their ranks will be reinforced, can Trump be useful, if he wants to define the party as socialist, and their mayors and governors said, to do nothing against “anarchists and terrorists” – so Trump says the protesters in the last week. Joe Biden, the so-Trumps-election position, is only a puppet of these Left. Ever left the party, the more lonely it is to Biden and the more Trumps can rise calculus.

Biden voters want Trump

If the alleged Biden asked voters why you want to vote, say, two-thirds of them: in order to prevent Trump. If this is true, but still, if Trump manages to define Biden as a puppet of the Left, is questionable. Because many voters want to give Trump no second term, but also no left-wing politics out of the White house see implemented. “Defund the Police”, the winning Motto with the Cori Bush in the primaries, in the United States is not a majority. And the louder the Democrats say this, the more likely it is to benefit Trump.


Therefore, so is of great importance to the upcoming nomination of a candidate for the office of the Vice-President. Biden, himself a very moderate Democrat, must make the left party wing of an offer. Kamela Harris and Susan Rice, which are often named for the Position, but not the Left. Both are politically experienced, but are responsible for the present left democratic spirit of the times the wrong positions. Harris has not occurred as a state lawyer determined against crime, which is to cut the police Budget. And Rice has experience in the field of Foreign and security policy.

Elizabeth Warren would be for a left-hand Position inside the apt choice, but for the identity of political expectations in the party, she has the wrong skin color. It is a African is supposed to be-American left woman. Therefore, since the days of names are mentioned, who know even in the USA only a few. Joe Biden faces a difficult choice. The outcome of which can decide, for example, how powerful a President Trump may tie him to the left of the items. And the like for the decision on 3. November be crucial.

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