After 18-month investigation, the attorney General of the state of New York indictment against the powerful gun lobby organization of the NRA (National Rifle Association), collects, in order to achieve your resolution. “Fraud and abuse” had been on for years on the agenda, said Letitia James on Thursday in New York. Over three years, damages in the amount of more than $ 64 million were incurred. “The influence of the NRA was so great that the organization has operated for decades in an uncontrolled manner, while senior managers put millions in the own pocket,” said James.

Among other things, four leaders, funds for luxury travel and jobs to family members and friends have embezzled. Alone, the Chairman of the Board Wayne LaPierre should have spent on Safari trips and private car services, in three years, $ 3.6 million. Among other things, he should be in this time with a private jet and eight Times in the Bahamas, flown there on a NRA service provider, donated the yacht holiday. Reuters/Johannes Schmit-Tegge, The National Rifle Association is considered one of the most powerful Lobby organizations in the United States.

NRA President speaks of “politically motivated move”

the President of The NRA, Carolyn Meadows, described the action in a first reaction, as a politically motivated move just before the elections in November. “This is a transparent attempt to make political ground and to attack the leading Opposition voice against the left’s Agenda,” she explained via Twitter to the, presumably, years of procedure.

Also in the Federal capital of Washington was charged on Thursday indictment of the NRA and a registered charity. Attorney General Karl Racine explained that the NRA had allegedly used millions of dollars in Foundation funds have been misused.

Trump: “Terrible thing”

The NRA has in the US non-profit Status and is therefore subject to special requirements for use of donations, charity and accounting. It is considered to be very conservative organization with great political influence, and as a loyal supporter, particularly of Donald trump’s Republicans. Attorney General, James is a member of the Democrats; they had led in the past year, a process through which a Foundation Trumps was dissolved. Reuters/Mike Stewart/AP U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a conference of the weapons lobby, the National Rifle Association (NRA).

The President responded on Thursday rejecting the lawsuit, she was a “terrible thing”. The NRA should move their headquarters to Texas and a “long and beautiful life” cause, he said in Washington. The NRA is headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia and can be followed in New York legally, because that is where your registration as a non-profit organization is stored. Trump explained, such as the NRA, both of these points during an ongoing procedure could change.

NRA had Trump on 2016 presidential campaign, with $ 30 million supports

For years, there are in the US, discussions about the influence of the NRA. In 2016, the NRA has supported, according to the Figures of the election Commission, FEC Donald Trump in the presidential campaign with more than $ 30 million. In the Mid-term between elections in 2018, however, had spent, according to the “Washington Post” groups who are in favour of stricter gun laws, more money. The NRA supported Republicans lost the majority in the house of representatives. Also, many individual US States have tightened their arms regulations easily.

The organization communicates the last seven years that they have five million members, but this number is not confirmed externally. For Trump weapons trailers, however, are an important part of his supporter base. In Speeches, he stresses again and again the second addition to the U.S. Constitution and the right to free gun ownership “to protect”.

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