The 16 science Ministers of the Länder have called for in a brand letter to the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) for the support of the German University clinics. This is more assistance from the Federal government to compensate for the financial losses incurred by the Corona pandemic. The letter with the date 5. August is the German press Agency. Previously, the “Hamburger Abendblatt had reported on the sheet”.

The previously approved funds for the University hospitals were “not adequate”, – said in the Letter. The failure rates for empty beds to be too low. “For example, only 23 of 34 University hospitals and the higher compensation package from 760 euros. To make matters worse, the higher compensation in a lump sum, shall only apply as from the entry into force of the regulation. The main financial burden due to the Release of bed capacity from mid-March to about the end of may will not be sufficient to offset,“ write the Department heads. “We therefore ask you to make further adjustments on hospital relief act, the performance of the University clinics and Maximum care to ensure.” Hamburg’s Second mayor and Senator for Science Katharina Fegebank (Green) told the “Hamburger Abendblatt, the Ministers agreed “that the Federal government must actively participate in the more cost that is incurred in the last few months, for the University hospitals.” The Corona-pandemic-have illustrated the importance of the University hospitals in medical care and care in the womb.

the Chairman of The Board of the University hospital of Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH), Prof. Jens Scholz, told the newspaper: “The UKSH is forecasting a loss of Income of about 60 million euros by the Covid-19-pandemic – if we stay a second wave hopefully be spared.” Out will called the lack of revenue in the case of planned operations, and “the care of patients in the hospital to infect”. The UKSH need as a compensation, a refund of 900 euros per non-occupied bed day. Up to the 13. July had only been 560 euros refundable, after that 660 euros. Retrospectively, this was not true. On the other hand, the UKSH give, except for the number of sums in the millions, among other things for protective clothing, Overtime and cleaning.
