Difficult to convince young people to adhere to the gestures barriers… The world health Organization released a layer, Thursday 6 August, by the voice of its director of health emergency, Michael Ryan, by appealing to their sense of ” responsibility “. At the beginning of July, the organization had directly put in question, considering them as partly responsible for the rebound of the epidemic, while the festivals of the summer is in full swing. The arrival of the holidays and the lifting of restrictions led to a whirlwind of trips to the 15-25 years, looking forward to the feast.

The night clubs are as well accused by the health authorities to be nests Covid-19. Switzerland, one of the first countries to have opened its nightclubs, made the experience. In Geneva, between 40 % and 50 % of the cases detected in the last week of July “were related to people who went to nightclubs and bars, places where you dance and where we kiss,” said professor Didier Pittet, head of infection prevention at university hospitals of Geneva. In other countries, the clubs are closed or reduced to simple bars to the dance floor prohibited, such as in Ibiza, in the Spanish archipelago of the Balearic islands, one of the world capitals of the feast.

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wild parties

That’s not a problem for partiers who are now in the streets, woods or on the beaches. Near Manchester, “raves” were held between 2 000 and 4 000 people. In London, the police stop regular wild parties and, in Paris, the bois de Vincennes has become a mecca of the free party. For the organizers of these festivals, techno underground, without a mask or distancing, as Antoine Calvino, ” the festival is a vital (…) It is an outlet and a zone of tolerance without equal “.

Germany also alarmed that the head of the institute of reference Robert-Koch, Lothar Wieler, called a ” reckless (…) holiday wild “. “Even if it is young people, statistically less likely to be severely ill, they can infect their families,” he said. The number of infections, often asymptomatic, are flaming. In Canada, less than 39 years constituted a clear majority of new cases. But they “are not invincible” in the face of the disease, has cautioned the department of public Health.

Everywhere, the public authorities are trying to curb the phenomenon. Spain wants to take the problem head-on-body : “young people are, according to the epidemiologist of the Health ministry, Fernando Simon, a group that is more difficult to control, “with” a style of life, the desire to live is very different “. It suggests that “punish” if necessary, but without ” demonizing “.

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“Let the young people become infected”

Not easy, however, to find the right way to address them. “What information have engaged young people ? request to the sociologist Mariano Urraco. First of all, it is the containment [and] it is the freedom. For them, it is not a probation, but total. “After a campaign warning about the risks of botellones, the practice of drinking alcohol in the public places of the Madrid city council has distributed a video on the importance of wearing a mask, even if it is uncomfortable.

It shows a group of young people drinking beers, and then a nightclub, an intensive care unit, and finally a cremation, with the caption : “there are things that give warmer than a mask. Protect yourself, protect-us. “Faced with the powerlessness of the authorities, some propose to be pragmatic.

“Let the young people become infected, we will not send the army,” suggests the infectiologist Eric Caumes at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris. Since “the young do not respect in any way not gestures barriers,” he offers to profit from it : “This age group could acquire it more quickly herd immunity. But it is necessary to protect the elders with the mask inside the home. “”The ideal would be that all the under 30 years of age to be immunized naturally and it protects more than 50 years until the arrival of a vaccine or an effective treatment,” he concludes.

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