what is the personal dream body? This is the question that scientists at the University of Barcelona and went to a study published in March 2020 in the journal “Frontiers”. The results of the study illustrate how men and women perceive themselves and are intended to help researchers, eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia to better treat. (Also read: eating disorders in men – why the confession of Ed Sheeran is so important)

study of the self-image: men see themselves more positively than women

In the investigation of the research teams to Solene Neyret nine women and ten men were asked between the ages of 18 and 38 years of age, your own figure to estimate and then draw on paper. Afterwards, the test persons should paint a ideal body. In addition, the scientists took the actual dimensions of the subjects, and then created from the three versions each an Avatar – a graphical substitute for the real Person. Thus, the three virtual characters that came from the imagined, the desired and the actual measurements were created. In the actual Experiment, the avatars via Virtual-Reality glasses were demonstrated, then the participants should find out, which is the Avatar which is the Version of your Self.

The result is that men in General have a positive self-image and are less critical with their body than women. Seven of the ten subjects were classifying correctly, which of the avatars of the true of your body – that is, those that arose from the taken measurements of the researchers. Five of them would like to have the Avatar as a body, they had drawn of themselves. Four of the participants thought exactly the image that you painted of your own body – is the ideal image that you have for your body like. (Also interesting: An expert reveals to you – who wants to be a balanced person, you must change these things)

women, however, are much more critical with their figure and were considerably wider than they actually are. But if you had seen the avatars in the role of a complete outsider considered, would choose five of the nine women for the body with your actual measurements – and then, once the virtual assistant of your personal dream body. Surprise: None of them held the body by itself had drawn, for the ideal figure that you’d like.

This article was written by (GQ.de)

*The post “study: So realistic the self image of men is to your body,” published by GQ. Contact with the executives here.