The crisis we are experiencing has shown us, if it was still needed, at what point we live in an interdependent world. Health, international security, biodiversity, etc. “The world after” can therefore be freed from the prospect of a new balance in international relations, a re-founding of the solidarity between nations, between continents. Abandoning paternalism and pathos, France, Europe, and Africa should become partners who respect, understand and take advantage of what connects them. For the development as well as for the collective security.

Burkina faso : “a part of our hearts there,”

local Elected representative in Lyon in charge of international affairs and cooperation with the capital Ouagadougou for years, I have known, like many French, elected local or national, NGOS, enterprises, etc., Burkina Faso, a haven of peace. We are many in France to be a part of our hearts there, in the ” country of honest men “, where our cooperation, our relations, have forged deep friendship.

what a heartbreak to see that this country which is so dear to us fight now against a terrorist murderer, since January 15, 2016, the day of the terrorist attacks coupled with the restaurant Capuccino and the hotel Splendid in Ouagadougou, who had 30 victims. A double attack that has marked the minds and hearts, and that remains etched in the memory of Burkina faso and of all those who love this country so endearing. These attacks have plunged the country into a spiral of lethal and spreads. In five years, Burkina Faso has suffered at least 580 jihadist attacks, for the most part between 2019 and 2020. Nearly 359 of them were directed against civilians, resulting in the death of over 1,500 people.

Read also But where is the France in the Sahel ?

The member of parliament Hubert Julien-Laferrière is the secretary of the friendship group France-Burkina Faso. © DR

Solidarity with French military

France is present, such as in Mali and Niger, through its development assistance, and with the G5 Sahel and the joint force in a military strategy that integrates the local security forces. This presence is essential for the security of the populations of the Sahel and the stability of the region. But while our military, with the armed forces of the sahel, provide a struggle against terrorism that hits the local population, it is seen to mount in Burkina Faso, as with its neighbours in the Sahel, ” french bashing “, calling into question the presence of French military which would be for some Africans the screen of a neo-colonialism. During this time, other major powers are increasing their economic influence on the continent. It is, therefore, imperative, at the same time, to encourage local policies of containment of the increasing terrorism that involve the populations.

Read also Peer de Jong : “France must remain in the Sahel”

A strategy integrating greatly populations

With the means at his disposal, Burkina Faso has tried to put in place many policies to ensure the populations of the regions most affected in times of economic prospects and security. Even before the hydra terrorist struck on the populations, the countries had decided to act. President Roch Kaboré had even came close to israel in order to implement a strategy that dates back to the pre-independence of the State of Israel. This strategy, in the rural areas of what later became the State of Israel, based on the building of fortifications simple, but effective, military training for civilians and the installation on the arable land, which will help them later to the definition of israel’s borders.

Read also Violence the jihadists : the long way of the cross of Burkina Faso

to Combine security and economic development

It is this policy, adapted to the local reality, which is currently used in the rural areas affected by terrorism in Burkina Faso. A policy that includes strengthening security and agricultural development as the engine of a revival of economic activity.

First pane, the security challenge, with the formation of a true civilian reserve, the Volunteers for the defence of the homeland : two weeks of training, provision of equipment and coordination with the national security forces, essential to avoid the risk of the empowerment of private armies. Many of the clashes during which volunteers have helped to repel the attacks, often at the cost of their lives.

Second component, the economic prospects for vulnerable populations, through the implementation of a program of development of agriculture in the rural areas, with the study of new techniques of irrigation, livestock… to achieve food self-sufficiency and exports development. Because we do not engage people if one is not able to offer them development prospects and income.

also Read This heavy tribute paid by the christians of Burkina Faso

Increase the confidence of the people

In this struggle of Burkina Faso against terrorism, it is not only the country’s security is at stake, but also the confidence of the population in its public authorities and, therefore, the cohesion of an entire nation. Without the people, without this trust, the security forces will never be sufficient to defeat the jihadists.

France is in Burkina and in the Sahel. It is this militarily, its public development aid is increasing in the region and requires more than before the local actors. Despite all this, his influence declined in Africa for the benefit of other great powers in the first place, China, in its strategy of control of the infrastructure, in particular, mining and port…

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Continue to enrich our human stories

The report that we have in this country and this continent, however, is different in many respects from the one between other international powers, it is part of a mutual respect and the desire for it to be able to engage in the progress for all and stability. And our relationship with the Burkina Faso is rich also these human stories to which she owes a lot. History has bound our two peoples and our two nations. The fight against terrorism must be our priority, and it will only be possible if local people understand that it is with them and for them as we work.

also Read Sahel : how France actually get there

* Hubert Julien-Laferrière is a member of the Rhône river (group Ecology, Democracy, Solidarity), and secretary of the friendship group France-Burkina Faso.

writing will advise you

Sahel : how France really has to take A French soldier dies in Burkina This heavy tribute paid by the christians of Burkina Faso Violence the jihadists : the long way of the cross of Burkina Faso But where is the France in the Sahel ? Peer de Jong : “France must remain in the Sahel “