the judges at The Berlin district court have upheld by a court decision of eviction proceedings against the 81-year-old Gisela Bolduan, such as the “Berliner Kurier” reported.

and Then tried the landlord since the year 2016, to get the apartment for their children. Pensioner Bolduan has to leave after 40 years, the melchanthon street in the district of Moabit.

of First instance gave the tenant the right

The dispute dragged on for years. A first eviction action was dismissed, the competent district court. The landlady went in the next instance, and got in the middle of July by the district court (LG) of the right granted.

The 81-year-old tenant is ill in addition to their dementia, Diabetes as well, as it says in the report. She was on a wheelchair and on a regular the help of her daughter and the granddaughter of lease: caution reliant in front of these clauses (display) click Here to check the rental contract! .

for a Long time have hoped the family to be able to use the LG the eviction action to reject. However, the land court judge made a report, which was presented by the family for the hardship, not to convince, it means more. Mrs. Gareth must vacate the apartment by February. A Revision of the LG Berlin is not allowed.

age or disease does not protect a tenant prior to the termination

According to a judgment of the Federal court of justice (BGH) from the year 2019 the ill and the old tenants are not protected per se prior to termination. Your limitations you have to prove it by opinion. The also tried Gisela Bolduan and failed, and now the LG.

landlady wants to bring up their children in the apartment below

the children of The landlady wanted to move in, according to the report in the 180-square-metre apartment. The daughter of the landlady, according to the embodiments of the LG Berlin, unemployed, the son is with his father in a fight. Both find another apartment, as you told the court. Which is hardly a tenant knows… Our PDF guide to inform you about your rights and obligations as a tenant and explains to brake the Rental price.To the PDF guide

a lawyer against the judgment before the

Klaus Henningsen, attorney of the Pensioner Bolduan, criticized the LG judgment. “The court has not dealt with the state of health of the family members and also not really with the opinion,” he said, according to the report. The lawyer holds judgment and private opinion of the LG for “superficial,” as he said more. He hopes that the Supreme court his client will soon be law. Coronavirus holds Europe in check, so the current situation in the countries of PCP Coronavirus is keeps Europe in check, so the current situation in the countries of

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