Hamburg, Steindamm 103. In the 1990-years, a desolate address between cheap Hotels, street prostitution and drug scene. Over a Snack bar and a fitness Studio, the Al-Quds mosque: a nondescript entrance sign in Arabic, a large room, carpet, white walls is located.

Here’s Mohammed Atta, Ramzi Binalshibh, Ziad Jarrah and other members of the so-called Hamburg terrorist cell meet regularly to pray and to plan the bloodiest attack in the history. The sidekick Osama bin-Laden’s form the Elite of the terrorist network Al-Qaeda: Atta flies at 11. September 2001, at 8:46 a.m. a Boeing 767 into the North tower of the World Trade Center, 17 minutes later, al-Shehhi controls a machine of the same type in the South tower. Jarrahs Boeing is destined for the Capitol in Washington, but crashes on a field. Binalshibh, the fourth of the Hamburg Pilot, receives no entry papers for the USA, a replacement takes over his target, the Pentagon.

Historical classification

The attack with nearly 3,000 dead, drives the USA and not just in a “war against Terror”, the estimated $ 250 million per day costs. He also makes the Hamburg mosque, a Mecca for jihadists. And he throws a first light on a network of internationally-financed houses of worship, the recruit under the guise of freedom of religion terrorists: the honor-Imam of the AlQuds acted mosque as bin Laden’s Germany-Ambassador. He makes the Hamburg mosque in the 9-11 bombers a place of pilgrimage for Islamist terrorists. In 2010, the authorities close the house of prayer.

This article was written by world of wonder magazine

*The post, “what was the German mosque a world has been attacked makes?” published by world of wonders. Contact with the executives here.

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