In the municipality of Lauenau (district of Schaumburg) collapsed, the supply of water at high temperatures and during the Corona pandemic on Saturday. The decrease amount in the private sector was drastically increased even in comparison to other peak times, said George Hudalla (independent), belongs to the mayor of the samtgemeinde Rodenberg, the Lauenau. “Otherwise, the people are traveling in the summer time and now you are home.” The water tank could not be filled up over night. On Saturday afternoon he then ran to Zero. “It can happen when people open up the faucet: It really comes down nothing,” said the mayor.

Many people are streamed at high temperatures and sunshine on Saturday to the North sea. Thousands came to the beach in North dike, as the managing Director of the tourism operations of the city, North (district of Aurich), Armin Korok, said: “water and Wind make the 32 degrees bearable. The strongest weekend so far this year.”

All 700 beach chairs were taken – the few still available were sold out in the Morning after just a few minutes. “We have to do, the Corona-rules to enforce. We have increased our security people this weekend at four,” said Korok.

On the East Frisian Islands, thousands of day – trippers came over in the past few days, in addition to vacationers- among them tourists from resorts on the mainland such as Greetsiel or Norddeich. The shipping company Norden-Frisia transported sometimes around 5000 people in one day to Norderney and expected for the weekend with many passengers.

the Islands are also a little more cooling, according to the German weather service (DWD) is possible: 28 degrees were measured on Saturday afternoon on the island of Borkum, while the temperatures in Bremen were already at 34 degrees, and in the Weser mountain country, even more than 35 degrees were climbed. “There are up to 37 degrees are still possible,” said meteorologist Franka Nawrath from the DWD.

dpa/Peter Steffen Sign of Lauenau.

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