More than 10,000 people have invaded on Saturday evening, an agricultural field private to organize a rave party in full national park of the Cevennes (Lozere), causing the anger of local farmers, a-t-on learned from the authorities. Because of the epidemic of Covid-19, the events of more than 5 000 participants are forbidden in France until 31 August. The raveurs settled on a grazing site for sheep-to-Head-the-Parade, on the causse Méjean, with 4 000 vehicles around, according to the mayor André Baret. The latter explains that they have cut the barbed wire in the field, and that their presence will ruin the season of the farmer who owns it.

“The Lozériens have been very serious with the covid, they have respected the gestures of the barriers and the massive influx of people who respect nothing has shocked them deeply,” said Sunday night the préfète of the department Valerie Hatsch to Agence France-Presse. The raveurs, settling on a grazing site for sheep, have injured three farmers, particularly shocked, “according to Valerie Hatsch, who recalled that” after the containment, flooding, and now drought, they are fed “. “There are people who use drugs, people with very young children, and so we also, by this big heat, they do not lack of water,” added the préfète, which referred to the deployment of an advanced medical post and the presence of the red Cross.

about 150 gendarmes mobilized

” I’m very angry against the State. When I see the constraints that are imposed to farmers who cannot even move a stone of the causse without be they are just acknowledged and these 15,000 people who are doing absolutely what they want on the hill without even wearing a mask, I tell myself that this needs to change “, responded to the Agency France-Presse Alain Pouget, head of regional coordination in agricultural.

Sunday afternoon, according to the ministry of the Interior, “less than 5,000” were still present on the premises. “The State mobilizes to block access to the site, 60 to 80 officers arrived at mid-day and so much will happen in the end of the day,” said a spokesman for the ministry. The State wants to “find the organizers of this event is totally banned, which is in a protected area and in a period of drought” to punish them.

The mayor André Baret, for his part, asked the public to ” stay at a distance and not to intervene “, as well as close the houses and especially barns. “It will be recalled from the previous edition (2000, ED). We realized that there had been an upsurge in burglaries and in particular the theft of diesel fuel. “

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