One of the largest class actions in the VW diesel scandal has been rejected on Friday by the regional court of Ingolstadt. The right service provider Myright had the claims of 2800 Audi buyers out of the VW subsidiary, to 77 million euros sued. The court explained the assignment, but null and void, because the contract with the buyer at a disadvantage. (Az: 41 O 1745/18).

Should one of the buyers call a comparison, not more, would be for him, the entire legal persecution, free of charge, stated the court. This results in an impermissible economic pressure for the respective buyer, as well as a conflict of interest between the buyer and the plaintiff in consequence””.

MyRight wants to appeal

Myright insert the written judgment’m going to wait for justification, but “likely to appeal” to insert, a spokesman said. Volkswagen and Audi have seen their opinion confirmed that out-of-court debt collection service providers that are offered and of the external process Finance the funded class action in this Form is inadmissible.

Myright is a trademark of the collection service provider, the financial right, and describes itself as “the inventor of the VW class action lawsuit in the exhaust gas scandal”. The biggest lawsuits the company filed in Braunschweig and Ingolstadt; in addition, about 1,500 other cases are still pending, a spokesman said. The cattle man, The company MyRight wants to ride in damages for VW customers only

In the process in Ingolstadt, it went to cars of the Audi brand in the VW four-cylinder diesel engines of the type EA189 with cheat soft goods were installed. Thus, the exhaust gas cleaning has been enabled only on the test bench full – time on the road but the engines sounded more nitrogen oxide than allowed.

Myright advertises, the assignment of the claims to spare the car buyers of all process risks and costs. The company reserves in case of success, 35 percent of the compensation funds. Audi should refund the purchase price, plus interest, minus a compensation for Use. Diesel scandal: The truth behind

The exhaust gas scandal is the biggest scandal in the German automotive history. It cost Volkswagen, and other companies billion and revealed, especially in the VW group’s dramatic developments. However, the scandal is also used politically for the achievement of goals such as driving bans to push through. How came it ever to the Diesel Drama? What is actually behind the “German environmental aid”? And why only in Germany, Diesel-driving bans for not even four years old cars that are justified by local Exceedances of measured values? FOCUS Online is looking for 2015 behind the Scenes.

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assignment agreements, not inconsistent with the law

said The regional court of Ingolstadt, after a decision of the Federal court of justice of November was “the way of an action assertion of assigned claims by legal service providers such as the applicant, in principle, permissible”.

already each of the assignment agreements to be But in the present case “null and void, because they were due to the buyer at a disadvantage, regulation of the debt collection services authority to the applicant after the legal services act covered”.

Against the Volkswagen group are currently around 60,000 individual lawsuits are pending, such as an Audi spokesman said. The principle of judgment of the Federal court of justice of 25. May (Az. VI ZR 252/19) have created clarity for the majority of the pending cases. Therein, the Supreme court had determined in the last instance, that complaining buyer can return your car and get the money for that claim. The purchase price you must but the mileage credit. “Volkswagen is still seeking to end around 50 000 with the principle of judgment comparable to that of procedure in agreement with the plaintiffs in a timely manner,” said the Audi spokesman. Here, the Auto-Newsletter

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