makes up small bowel cancer up to five percent of all bowel cancers, approximately 2,600 men and women received in the year of 2016, the diagnosis of small intestine cancer, compared to about 60,000 for colon cancer. “It is important the classification of carcinoma on the one hand, according to the localization, i.e., in colon cancer the small or large bowel cancer, but also the distinction according to its biological characteristics,” says Ulrich Graeven, chief physician of the clinic for Haematology, Oncology and gastroenterology at the hospital Maria Hilf Mönchengladbach.

small bowel cancer is different biologically, most significantly colon cancer

While the Colon cancer usually Adenotumoren, so growths of the mucous membrane, relates to the case of small intestine cancer, only a small fraction. The most common forms of small intestinal cancer according to the cells from which the disease originates, are:

  • neuro-endocrine tumors (NET) of around 50 percent, they arise from the hormone-forming cells
  • Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) make up about ten percent of these tumors originate from the connective tissue in the gastro-intestinal tract.

The differing biological characteristics of the two intestinal types of cancer, Colon, and small intestine carcinoma “to make different in these two diseases is so basic, even though both affect the gut,” explains the oncologist.

causes for small intestine cancer, and why is he rarer than colon cancer

What is the trigger for the cells to interact in the small intestine regular, but degenerate, and multiply in an uncontrolled manner, is still largely unknown. It is thought to be related to pollutants in food, which can have during the Passage in contact with the small intestine and its cells affect.

as we know, connects the small intestine directly to the stomach. This first section of the three part small intestine is called the duodenum (Duodenum), followed by the intestine (Jejunum) and ileum (Ileum) follow Empty. In addition to the further transport of the food bolus to the large intestine, the task of the five-Meter-long small intestine consists of certain food components to split and blood to give. One of the most important carbohydrates, which are processed into various sugars, fat, but also vitamins and trace elements.

The chyme is a section in this Gut, thin and is carried so rapidly. The contact time with the intestinal wall is much shorter than later in the large intestine, “which could explain why Colon cancer is much more common than small intestine cancer,” says the gastroenterologist of the possible Background. In addition, the mucosa in the small intestine to be less susceptible to certain factors such as pollutants, than in the large intestine.

risk factor for hereditary disorders

conditional, However, there is also a family readiness for the development of small intestine cancer: Hereditary Polyposis syndromes such as Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) and Lynch syndrome. Genetically determined to develop a large number of polyps in the large intestine, sometimes also in the small intestine. Are adenocarcinomas, which are, however, in comparison with NET and GIST in the small intestine is very rare.

Discovered in the small intestine tumors, which are associated with FAP, by the way, usually only when in the colon polyps were found to be. In the course of further diagnostics in the case of the familial predisposition can be identified, these rare small intestine cancer.

symptoms of small intestine cancer

small bowel cancer usually grows more slowly. Often, symptoms occur only when the disease is already at an advanced stage and the Tumor place calls. Depending on

  • bleeding
  • can have abdominal pain,
  • Nausea
  • constipation or diarrhea

occur. The Tumor is large, it can close even the intestines (Ileus). The intestinal obstruction is manifested by severe pain, it is always a medical emergency and is life-threatening, and immediately needs to be treated.

prognosis for small intestine cancer varies

small bowel cancer is usually only discovered at an advanced stage. In more than 70 percent of the carcinoma is diagnosed in stage three or four, so again, the comparison to colon cancer later on, than is the case in this frequent bowel cancer.

The survival rates are, therefore, in the case of small intestine cancer is also slightly lower. “The decisive factor is the type of small intestine cancer is, however, always”, clarifies the expert. In the case of a detected early in GIST or NET, the chances of Survival are very good. This is in contrast to adenocarcinomas, which are yet to be discovered mostly later on, the prognosis is not as favourable.

diagnosis of small intestine cancer

The classical methods of examination of stomach and colonoscopy, detect only the upper or the lower part of the small intestine, “the intervening almost five meters will not be achieved with these examination techniques,” explains the expert.

Only in the case of the corresponding symptoms and suspected this intestine tumor imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computer tomography (CT) are used. Revealing the capsule endoscopy, which shows images from the small intestine provides.

it is Only when these studies provide an abnormality, there is the opportunity to reflect specifically the small intestine. “This is, however, very time-consuming, and not as a screening usable, because these intestinal tumors are very rare,” stresses Ulrich Graeven.

treatments for small intestine cancer surgery and the consequences

Overall, for different types of small bowel tumors: If possible, should be operated on. “This is a limited Tumor, can usually be easily parts of the small intestine removed,” explains the oncologist in detail.

A Stoma, a colostomy to set up, is therefore not usually necessary. However, it is crucial which part of the small intestine is missing and what features it had, what trace elements, and vitamins, he returned to the body. This deficiency needs to be about appropriate nutrition and medication balanced.

the treatment of small intestine cancer varies depending on the type of the tumor

parts of the removed tumor can be examined histologically. For the therapy plan is crucial, whether it is NET, GIST, or the rare familial adenocarcinoma induced in the small intestine. “A General plan of therapy for small intestine cancer is not possible, because there is a small intestine cancer, but different, it is always on its way”, says the oncologist.

Accordingly, many different therapy options available. If a gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is approximately metastasizes, there are very good drugs for treatment. “This is not the classical chemotherapy, but we use so-called tyrosine kinase inhibitors, with very good results,” says the expert. The are inhibitors, such as Imitanib, the specific signal can block the pathways within the cells. They are also used to some extent prior to SURGERY, to shrink a too large and therefore inoperable Tumor, or after surgery,a relapse.

it Is small intestine cancer a Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET) is the Operation, however, often the only required therapy. The NET is divided as to the need for drug therapy in accordance with their growth rate. This subdivision of the NET is also used for the treatment planning of metastatic NET is of vital importance.

The Ademokarzinom of the small intestine is based on the results from the treatment of colon tumors are treated.

Prevent against small intestine cancer

Targeted prevention against these rare tumours is hardly possible – except the well-known rules for a healthy life, without Smoking, with a reasonable diet, the most extensive alcohol go restriction and adequate exercise. Because of the possible causes of small intestine cancer, hardly anything is known, but not influence.

however, There is an important tip from the experts to all members of a family with genetically polyps due to occur in the colon: remember to restrict the Pension only to the colon but also the small intestine to expand. This is provided for in the appropriate colorectal cancer screening and follow-up programs, may, however, be overlooked in any case.

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