“is checked A connection,” confirmed a spokeswoman for the Prosecutor’s office in Braunschweig compared to the “Business Insider”. Background a major fire that destroyed the home of the alleged VW-spy is complete. At the end of may, the fire broke out, around 100 firefighters took several hours to extinguish the fire in the lower Saxony village. The half-timbered house and outbuildings could not save you.

at The time of the fire nobody was in the house. The damage and amount of insurance has estimated the police in a press release, after the fire to 600,000 euros. Meanwhile, a switch of more than one Million euros, reported Business Insider, citing police circles.

Burned house belonged to a suspected spy

shortly after the fire, the fire experts of the police and the fire brigade would have found concrete evidence that it was arson. The file had landed in the competent public Prosecutor’s office in Braunschweig, and who since then against the Unknown. As the Injured party in the process of many years of VW Manager is to be conducted, was made because of the spy affair from the car maker now free.

The man is said to have recorded internal meetings secretly, in which there was the dispute with the supplier of Prevent. According to a criminal complaint from VW, the Braunschweig Prosecutor’s office initiated a criminal investigation against the free racks VW Manager. The group had filed the criminal complaint against Unknown persons after the operation had initially been internally investigated.

35 shots with about 50 hours of audio material

at the end of July it was reported that an Unknown in the years 2017 and 2018, discussions of a working group had systematically recorded. In the work round, it was about how with the unpleasant suppliers group to Prevent are to be handled with VW for years, in the Clinch is. With the stock recommendations of the Bernecker exchange-compass, you can get more out of your money! (Partner activity) 30 days free to try!

Before VW announced in March 2018, all contracts with Prevent, advised the company to multiple delivery stops for some time, and how to Prevent as a supplier to the “controls” whether should be, as it is called in the industry jargon. “Business Insider” language of around 50 hours of audio material from at least 35 shots.

VW does not know the content, Prevent denies involvement

“Volkswagen has been the victim of an illegal eavesdropping attack”, it was said by the group. The organization of the recordings are not available, according to its own representation. More did not want to comment on VW yet to the Reports. As long as prosecutors continued investigations, not outside the group to the matter said Volkswagen-brand chief financial officer Alexander Seitz.

Prevent had no knowledge of the recordings, you will not have been involved in the creation, had said a spokesperson for the group. The supplier group of the Bosnian owner of the family Hastor was also damaged and had announced plans to consider legal action against VW.

Who is the mole and whether he acted in behalf of someone else, it is so far unclear. “Now that has shown that in an alarming rate, illegal to the core team, which dealt with the possibilities of the termination of the business relationship to Prevent-group, was monitored, we, of course, the question of who would have to the content of the core team and any plans of interest, and to resort to such means,” had communicated to a VW spokesman on the occasion of the criminal complaint on Wednesday.

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