If Christophe Castaner, minister of the Interior until July last, aspire to other national functions, this is a local mandate, which catches up with him on Monday, August 10 : The World reports that a report from the regional chamber of auditors of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’azur puts into question his administration of the city of Forcalquier during the period from 2014 to 2018.

The former municipal official, at the head of the municipality of 5 000 inhabitants from 2001 to 2017, has been replaced, during his entry into the government, by his first deputy, Gerard April. The two men are, therefore, the accounting “irregularities” which the report mentions. Made public on 21 July, he noted in particular the ” systematic deferment of leave not taken and overtime non-recovered or monetised “, for the municipal officers of the city, stating that this is done on a year to year without limitation in time “.

also Read The indiscreet – that Castex has never forgiven Castaner

The common promises “more rigour”

In total, at the end of the year 2017, the city should to some 85 agents that it employs “the equivalent of 175 000 euros in holidays not taken and reported, and 92 000 euros in extra hours not recovered,” continues the document. The World said that several contractors have received compensation in the form of a monthly payment of their allowance of paid leave, and throughout their contract. However, this practice is contrary to the labour law, given that this allowance is due only by the end of the contract.

December 2, 2019 (one month and a half before the receipt of the report of the regional chamber of accounts of the Paca region, Christophe Castaner and Gerard April were assured in a letter to have put an end, as early as October of the same year, in the practice of the “monthly payment and a systematic compensatory allowance” substitute the indemnity for paid leave.

The CRC of the region also noted a series of “errors and inconsistencies” in the award and performance of certain public contracts, as well as in the budget documents. Are concerned, in particular, of road work carried out to 973 € 600, when the selected contractor had submitted a tender to 219 800 euros, much lower than the market average (about 300,000 euros). The municipality has stated wanting to ” bring more rigour in its procedures “. She also noted the upcoming implementation of a “guide to internal public order” to ensure a better traceability of the markets in Forcalquier.

writing will advise you

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