“You’re the first woman!” The encouraging words apply to Hannah Rudolph from the winter sports club’s “Green-White” Elbingerode, which has a hill conquered. In the case of the sports event, in the Wernigerode District, the 15-Year-old is not Unknown, took part in the previous years successfully.

this Time, she is growing beyond the services of at the time, but still, at the end of the Eight-kilometre race, on the podium of the ladies, and joins with a time of 39 minutes and 34 seconds in the eternal Top Ten since 1993, held running Events.

Less than 40 minutes during the main run in the heat

Except she is successful on Saturday, 22 male participants to master the distance of the main run on the slopes of winter hill in less than 40 minutes. 114 men, women and children go in high summer to 32 degrees in the 617 metre high Schierke in total at the Start.

the organizer has adapted to the existing Corona-regulation: the lines on the road surface in front of the Schierker Feuerstein Arena to show where the runners are allowed to set the minimum distance to be complied with. It is one of the first races after the pandemic forced break for the Sport in the resin; in many places, had to be cancelled in recent months, the traditional fun runs, for example, in the Blankenburg and Quedlinburg.

bumps and discoloration on the roof

But in Schierke, in the summer run was a more fundamental reason for long on the Brink: On the roof of the 2017 initiates Arena weather were dents, and discoloration due to the created – the sustainability was in danger.

No question: A new plastic membrane had to be found for the futuristic, or like a potato chip – style roof design-award-winning Arena. This has now been stretched over the old Roofing, and those then piece by piece dismantled. 16. July was spent on the repair and the summer season is saved – just in time for the start of the holidays, and also in time for the summer run.

“As the Team, the Arena has a lot more Know-how,”

These were, in addition to the host of the Nordic Ski club of Wernigerode (NSV) many helpers of the ski club Schierke and Wernigerode Tourismus GmbH on the legs. The implementation of Corona requirements in the registration, Start and finish area took on the responsible of the Arena, such as the NSV-Chairman Melanie Rippin explains. “All of the conditions align, this is not for us as a club,” she says. “As the Team, the Arena has a lot more Know-how.”

Know how to do it – the younger runners do this already: In the children-Kurpark, running about a Kilometer, the eleven-year-old Philipp barley sheaf of Jüterbog in Brandenburg, the victory, six seconds before the one year younger Wernigerode Ben Lehmann wins. Third fastest was the 2009-born Kendra Giesler from Team G-Force is. (mz)

This article was written by Benjamin Richter

*The post “summer run in Schierke: Hannah Rudolph grows beyond itself” is published by Central German newspaper. Contact with the executives here.

Central German newspaper