U.S. intelligence: Russia is working against Biden , China against the Trump

Monday, 10. August, 08.43 PM: In the US election, Russia will according to the findings of the American intelligence services mood for President, Donald Trump, and against the Challenger Joe Biden. Moscow is trying to denigrate the designated presidential candidate of the Democrats, “” said the office of the U.S. secret service coordinator in Washington. China and Iran wanted to prevent trump’s re-election, it said. Less than 100 days before the election, the services were “concerned about the ongoing and potential activities” of all three countries.

Russia is using “a series of measures” to denigrate the former Vice-President Biden. As examples, the office called, among other things, statements by politicians who wanted to damage the credibility of Biden’s, by alleged charges of corruption. Kremlin-close stakeholders have also used social media to support the campaign of the Republican Trump, it said on Friday (local time).

Trump said to the report, the interpretation of its intelligence services is only one of various ways. “The last Person who wants to see Russia in the office, is Donald Trump, because no one has ever dealt harder with Russia than I am,” the President claimed in front of journalists. U.S. intelligence agencies are convinced that Moscow has already mixed with 2016 in his favor and against the former Challenger to Hillary Clinton. Trump denies that vehemently.

The speaker of the house of representatives, the Democrat Nancy Pelosi, called on the secret services, to publish additional information. “The people in America need to know what the Russians are doing in this case,” said Pelosi on Sunday in the channel Fox News. In addition, they criticized that the secret services continued, the threat to Russia from political reasons, with those from China. China is a mix of “not really in the presidential election. Is selected on the 3. November.

Beijing wants to prevent, according to the intelligence services, a second term Trumps, because you consider it to be “unpredictable”. The country have started to strengthen their influence on the political environment in the United States. China attempts to put politicians under pressure, the interests of Beijing’s counter acted, it said. The tensions between the world’s two largest economies have recently increased significantly. Iran, too, is intended to alert the intelligence services, according to counter-Trump sentiment.

Trump claimed that China wishes for nothing more than a victory for his opponent. “If Joe would make Biden President, would China, the United States in the bag.” The Republican majority leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, called Russia’s efforts to “malevolent influence” a significant threat. “However, it would be a serious mistake to ignore the growing threats from China and Iran.”

US election 2020: Trump gets no additional TV debate against Biden

Friday, 7. August, 11.45 a.m.: US President Donald Trump gets his wish for an additional televised debate with his election rival Joe Biden is not met. The non-partisan Commission on the organization of TV debates between the presidential candidates decided on Thursday that it remains in the number three TV duels between Trump and Biden. Trump had requested the scheduling of a further debate. Reuters/Evan Vucci/AP/dpa US President, Donald Trump is challenged in the struggle for the White house from the Democrats, Biden.

The Commission, however, stated that three debates with the length of 90 minutes was sufficient to inform the voters about the candidates. The first debate is on 29. September to be held in Cleveland, Ohio. The two other debates are to on 15. October in Miami, Florida, on 22. October in Nashville, Tennessee. Trump had an additional speech duel before the 29. September required.

The President and his campaign team argued in vain, in the face of the due to the Corona pandemic to the expected high number of postal voters that their votes even before the election date on 3. November issue, should be allowed to experience the voters in the past, the presidential candidates in TV debate. Reporter under Trump pulls a facts-Check – breaks the appointment abruptly from FOCUS Online/Wochit reporter under draws a Trump of a fact-Check – breaks the date off abruptly.

campaign donations: Trump’s crack-A-billion-Dollar-brand

03.17 PM: US President Donald Trump and his Republicans have received for your election campaign according to its own figures, in the meantime, more than a billion dollars in donations. In July of $ 165 million (€140 million) had been received, which will bring the total amount of the previously collected donations to $ 1.1 billion, said trump’s campaign on Wednesday evening (local time). So far, had been received in any month as much money as in July – not even in the election of 2016, it said further.

The campaign of Trumps democratic Challenger Joe Biden said that in July, $ 140 million had been received in donations. In June, he and the Democrats had collected $ 141 million – and in order for the second month in a row, a little more than Trump and the Republicans. The President is already much longer than Biden high donations, especially since it has long been as sure of was that he would apply for the Republicans to a second term. Biden had to win first of all against many rivals, and will be formally nominated this month to the candidates of the Democrats.

revealed The high fundraising totals for both candidates, as the election contested by 3. November is still. The donations also showed that Trump, in spite of the Coronavirus pandemic, and, most recently, very bad poll numbers can already be tallied.

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US election 2020: Trump calls for a fourth TV debate with Biden

Thursday, 06. August, 0.08 at: US President Donald Trump wants before the election, another TV debate with his Challenger Joe Biden. The campaign team of Republican said on Wednesday that additional debate with Biden, the nominee for presidential candidate of the Democrats, should be in place before the start of the first opportunities to vote by way of postal ballot on 4. September is done. So far, three TV duels are agreed that the first of these on 29. September.

Because, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, with an increase in the voting by postal ballot is, should be brought forward to the TV debates, called for trump’s campaign. Simply the usual process of capturing, corresponds to the behavior of the “dinosaurs,” it said in a Letter to the campaign team.

the Corona-crisis you read in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online

The voting by postal ballot will be regulated in the USA by each state individually. Up to the last planned debate on 22. October could have voted, almost 50 million Americans in 34 States, argued that trump’s campaign. If no additional TV-‘ll duel set, you should at least be scheduled for late October preferred, urged the campaign team.

The claim of the incumbent, a further debate to hold, was somewhat unusual, because most of it are in front of a choice of the Challenger to as many of the TV-duels of the rap.

Older messages to the US election in 2020 you will find on the next page, U.S. intelligence agencies warn that Three foreign actors to interfere in U.S. elections, FOCUS Online/Wochit U.S. intelligence agencies warn that Three foreign actors to interfere in US elections heat in Germany: 37 degrees is hot – then rain and Thunderstorms dpa heat come out strong in Germany: 37 degrees is hot – then rain and Thunderstorms

mja/jmü/dpa/AFP coming strong