The social-democrats come to announce the color before all the others. This is Olaf Scholz, currently the minister of Finance and vice-chancellor, who will be the candidate of the SPD in the race for the chancellorship in the fall of 2021. Whereas, in the conservative camp, any dolphins Angela Merkel are still trying to play of the elbows, behind the scenes, the SPD leadership has decided to play franco. No question of shilly-shallying for months, which could weaken the chances of the SPD. Not a question of tear in public (a specialty of the party) on this decisive question for the future.

If the announcement of the sudden this nomination is controversial within the SPD, the left wing, and, in particular, the Jusos, the federation of youth of the party, having expressed doubts, force is to recognize that Olaf Scholz is the candidate who has the most chances. It is not only the social-democratic party in the best position in the polls and one of the political leaders that are most appreciated by the Germans, but also the man who has managed, alongside Angela Merkel, skillfully manage the pandemic. Its ability to act quickly in unblocking billions of public assistance to support businesses and self-employed workers of his country has boosted the popularity of this man, ambitious, cold-blooded hanseatic.

The SPD, the big winner of the Covid

The Germans, in their great majority, are trust, a social democrat, discreet and tongue-in-cheek, the former mayor of Hamburg. Olaf Scholz, the then Labour minister in the first Merkel government was also the architect of the famous Kurzarbeit, this part-time unemployment, which, in the event of a crisis, to refer to temporary employees in them avoiding fire. Once the difficult period is finished, the employees are immediately their position, and the company can restart with a quarter turn. A measure which gave its evidence at the time of the financial crisis and worked again during the confinement.

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The Covid-19 has also been a boon for the SPD. Before the month of march, the party, which was no more than the shadow of himself, filling the setbacks in the electoral and seemed to lose any contour within the GroKo, the grand coalition CDU-CSU-SPD headed by Angela Merkel. Today, this great traditional party still hasn’t rebounded, but it happens all the same in the third position in the polls (15 %), after the CDU (38 %) and the Greens (18 %). Everything indicates, therefore, that it is a good idea to bet on Olaf Scholz for next year’s elections.

But this ideal candidate, and that is the real question, will he be able to rally behind a party that has the gift of autotorpiller and whose internal divisions are legendary. His tenors have beautiful say today, who wants to hear that they serreront the ranks behind their new candidate, the elections have to be held in a little over a year and the road to Olaf Scholz is likely to still be challenging.

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