In the dispute over the recent Reform of the road traffic regulations a regulation is, the concessions to both sides. For weeks, the Federation and the Länder negotiate, how to do it because of a technicality with the fine catalogue of the new highway code continued. Because of this error, stricter rules of driving were prohibited, have been put in to speeding of the countries, except for law enforcement. The stricter rules brought by the Federal Council in the regulation, from the point of view of the Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) not sure what traffic lawyers confirmed. Of the countries in the Reform into the edited aggravation when imposing driving the transport Ministry also banned for not relatively.

driving ban-tightening: in Front of kindergartens and construction sites, no Quarter

The compromise the following Changes before looks currently:

  • Urban in Tempo-30 zones, as well as in front of schools and kindergartens to overruns will be imposed at the Pace of 21 km/h at the first breach of a driving ban.
  • the same will apply as from 26 km/h extra-urban in highway construction sites.
  • Otherwise it should stay the driving prohibition rules in force prior to the Reform, already for years.
  • in Addition to increased fines, a total of . Thousands of violations every day: Red light? No matter! The Video shows the wheel-Rambos in action FOCUS Online thousands of violations every day: Red light? No matter! The Video shows the wheel-Rambos in action

Bayern has agreed a compromise proposal, already added

Bavaria is to accept the compromise. In a Letter from the Minister of the interior Joachim Hermann, the FOCUS Online is, it does not mean that “lawns are not a peccadillo” and “a Tempo Exceeding 21, or 26 km/h is irrelevant”. However, it was not an effective traffic monitoring as well as the fact that the population perceive such measures to be excessive sanctions. Therefore, one does not want to rely solely on bans, but also on prevention. Here, the Auto-Newsletter

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Also, Michael Haberland, who had come across as President of the automobile clubs “Mobil in Deutschland” with a Petition, the Changes to the Reform, and in favour of the draft. “This is a good compromise, the leader will receive licences, but according to danger zones can be differentiated. The Ball is now in the countries that need to show whether you are really about road safety or just a political power play at the expense of all road users,” says Haberland to FOCUS Online.

the clubs

Also, Germany’s largest car, and the ADAC automobile club say go with the compromise. “The compromise presented the criticism of excessive penalties on motorists for speed violations, it must ensure that the goal of the StVO amendment in question: The greater protection of vulnerable road users. This is a concern shared by all parties, so that the partial categorical ‘ no ‘ is incomprehensible. The revision of the fine catalog may fail as a party to the dispute,” said ADAC traffic President Gerhard Hillebrand. Other Clubs such as the VCD are in favour of the Reform with all the driving ban-automatic processes to maintain. “Against the far too many victims of the traffic is taken for years as good as nothing,” says the Club. Fast & Furious live: The worst speeders in Europe, FOCUS Online/Wochit Fast & Furious live: The worst speeders in Europe

Blockade of the countries cyclists-protective measures

Several States, especially the SPD or the Green – led countries, the compromise proposal is still not accepted delay. However, a further addition to would want to tilt the hesitation of an agreement, and other rules of questioning – about the for the better protection of cyclists, the Minister for transport-averse in any case. Cyclists should be protected by various provisions in the StVO amendment particularly. In addition to increased Rates for Car Parking to the protection of strips, or bike lanes, for example, vans or Trucks over 3.5 tons urban the law may turn not faster than speed driving. Violations mean a 70 Euro fine and a point. Cyclists are now allowed to explicitly side by side, however, the traffic not hinder it. Motorists must observe when Overtaking other road users, a minimum distance of urban 1.50 meters, as well as extra-urban two meters.

At a glance: What motorists

need to know The ADAC, explains meanwhile, what is actually currently legal, as long as it is unclear how it goes with the new highway code continued.

  • must apply Open procedures prior to issuing a penalty notice: The Fine, to the knowledge of the nullity of the previous regulations, which provided for here is not a rule driving ban. The procedures are not set, but § 4 BKatV is to apply in the old version.
  • not Yet final penalty proceedings: already issued a penalty notice and the 14-day objection period has not expired yet, should be immediately filed an appeal and a Change in the legal consequences are required.
  • Final penalty proceedings: Is a penalty notice with one of the above-mentioned driving ban already legally binding, the ban on driving but have not yet started, is a stay of execution with the fine point under the aspect of the void scheme to apply for.
  • driving bans in the execution: the license Is already on the enforcement of the driving ban in official custody, to apply for the grace, the annulment of the decision procedure for surrender of the licence to.