anyone who had to keep in his life for a time, a lecture or a presentation is probably familiar with: they don’t have to detonate a blockbuster idea, how you can bring a bit of pizzazz in the presentation, a good Gag or a witty introduction, but then the big show itself, the idea is simple. No one claps, confused looks in the audience.

So similar to the ZDF felt-the summer interview with AfD-Chef Tino Chrupalla, just as the whole show. “Frauke Petry has also won a Direct election circles here,” says Moderator Theo Koll at the start of the interview, which took place on a wooden bench on the easternmost point of Germany, near Görlitz instead. “Since it was AfD-Chairman, it was not three years. Since you are the third AfD-Chairman, so statistically, your chair wobbles. We have a very interview sound banks here for the summer, may I offer you a place.“

the hunt for The “Gotcha”

Uff. Approximately in this style, it goes further than Koll faced the AfD-man with the question of whether he anschnalle in the car. Because, explains Koll the perplexed Chrupalla: “you obviously have no clearance issue that the state requires that you yourself to wear your seat belt to protect yourself – but you seem to have a problem when it comes to wear a mask and protect yourself and others.”

A “Gotcha Moment”, as the Americans say, should be, is a moment in the tangled ideology of the AfD-man unmasks in front of an audience of millions and exposed. Koll tries again and again, such moments be affixed, for example, if he’s parliamentarians, to record the speeches of disaffected AfD or the recordings from the Brandenburg Ex-Chairman Andreas Kalbitz at a tent camp of the neo-Nazi homeland-faithful German youth.

“no, I don’t think so”

The Problem is, of course, that a politician like Tino Chrupalla can’t just get you in the end. The AfD-man responds to each of these questions with a minutes-long speech, the surge – and denies everything. As Koll’t no stresses that “all the experts” say, the Wearing of masks to be epidemiologically useful, with answers Chrupalla: “you say.” As Koll from a Chat log from a total of 30 AfD members to read, says the party leader simply: “no, I think.” Maybe it’s just pointless to conduct Interviews with AfD politicians. For an ordinary conversation, it needs a commonly accepted reality. Matthias Rietschel/ZDF/dpa Tino Chrupalla, AfD-Federal speaker, and Moderator Theo Koll (l) in the ZDF summer interview 2020 for the shipment to Berlin

in The end, none of the two is good from what I saw. Koll was trying very hard to transfer the AfD-Chef that he forgot to talk about actual content. It is a classic weakness of the summer interview on ARD and ZDF, that the moderators prefer to Berlin intrigues in the policy issues of operation, as to subjects, which have for the audience specific relevance. So also here: In the first twelve minutes, it went to the inconsistent masks-the attitude of the AfD and intra-party conflicts and battles, from Minute 14 and then again to the attitude of the party to the right-wing extremists Kalbitz.

disgrace on the subject of Trump

For real property issues was only in the two minutes between them. But what had to say Chrupalla there, was probably the most enlightening, because the most embarrassing. It went to the announced U.S. troop withdrawal from Germany, and President Donald Trump, the AfD had to say-man is only Good – and, above all, wrong. His tax reform have relieved “the medium and small income,” says Chrupalla on the reform package, through the giant corporations such as Amazon, paid for two years, no taxes and the rich are relieved at the latest, 2027 exclusive 20 per cent of the citizens, as numerous calculations show.

Final absurd, it was, as Chrupalla claimed that Trump was the first American President, “is drawn under the America in a war” – as had started every single one of his 44 previous war. And welcome Chrupalla the U.S. troop withdrawal, because of the is also a core requirement of the AfD, which could make Europe a safer place. Instead, there is a need for a rapprochement with Russia. It was only two minutes, but in those 120 seconds Chrupalla not revealed, only his own ignorance, but also the shaming of the political programme of his party.

“what we want to talk here?”

Kolls predecessor, Thomas Walde made it before 2018. The forest, today correspondent in Paris, had the then AfD leader Alexander Gauland, in the “summer interview” a guest – and was exclusively content-related questions on topics such as pensions policy, housing and digitisation. After only a few minutes, it became clear that Gauland had to contribute to all these issues, absolutely nothing. “No, I can’t explain to you”, was just one of Gaulands helpless records. “A strategy for the digitization of speech cannot be.” A disastrous Interview for the whole of the AfD – just by the forest property and had asked questions.

Koll wanted to be there at the end, obviously, a similar Coup, but implemented a diametrically opposite strategy. After only two minutes issues, he went back to the AfD-internal grave to fight over. The remained Chrupalla not hidden. “Mr. Koll, on what we want to talk here?” he asked after 19 minutes of airtime. “We want to talk about the problems of the people in the country?” However, at this point the Interview was over. The time had run out. More News from the world of culture and entertainment

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