less than two years from the next presidential election, candidates are already many looking at the Elysée palace. In an interview granted to Corse-Matin, Xavier Bertrand does not hide anything of his ambitions for the presidential 2022. “I’m ready “, he announced. The president ex-LR), Hauts-de-France would like to represent the French right in which he continues to feel very close to, despite his departure from the Republicans in 2017. “I know where is my home. It is to the right. It, there is no doubt, ” reiterates he.

Xavier Bertrand otherwise indicates, in this interview, to be part of those who oppose the organization of a primary to nominate a candidate of the right and centre. “I’m not there to do the school master and tell who is doing well or not. There is only one judge in politics, it is the people who are sovereign, ” said the former minister of Health, who travels the country in an effort to collect the grievances of the French. Through its association with The Manufacture, the elected official wants to ” gather the French. “” The Manufacture has for vocation to trace back the ideas of the French. For me, when I offered the bonus of a thousand euros, in the midst of a crisis of the yellow Vests, it is an idea that came from The Factory ” he recalls.

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“The parties have made their time”

Xavier Bertrand is also to imply that in the event of failure to his re-election to the presidency of the Hauts-de-France in 2021, he will drop the presidential race. “You think people are not vaccinated now, of the primary… My primary, it will be the regional elections of the Hauts-de-France. I don’t want to filter between the people and me and I present it to you not to rules established by the political parties, ” continued the one who continues to watch from afar the restructuring of the Republicans. “I am interested in it a little, because it remains a party to which I belonged. I maintain friendships with them. But I don’t try to integrate me in these logics of party. The parties have done their time. I do not want to be caught up in these logical clivantes. “

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