let’s Be honest: In the competition for the top positions for the digital age, Germany was into the midfield by passed. Both in the European as well as in the worldwide comparison, Germany can’t make it over the midfield and beyond. In the “Digital Economy and Society Index” (DESI) of the European Union, Germany is only just above the average. Also in a worldwide comparison of the digital competitiveness of Germany does not make it to the front. Among the 100 largest digital corporations in the world Forbes with Telekom, and SAP, only two German companies – none of them make it into the Top 10. About the guest authors

Christian Lindner Federal Chairman of the FDP and head of the FDP fraction in the German Parliament, the Bundestag.

Dr. Volker Wissing is the Chairman of the FDP in Rhineland-Palatinate. Since March, 2016, he directs the Ministry of economy, transport, agriculture and viticulture. He is also a Deputy Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate.

We need a real “breakthroughs”

This is for Germany as the fourth largest economy in the world has a Problem. Our prosperity, the resilience of our social security systems and the quality of our life based on a strong economy, progress and Innovation, founder and entrepreneur spirit, motivation and hard work. While we have numerous “Hidden Champions” in the German Mittelstand, a diverse and high-quality research and science landscape and successful German Startups. But that is not enough, obviously, to bring Germany in a top position at the cutting-edge technologies of the digital age.

As a Central prerequisite for this is a modern and powerful framework. Here in Germany need to catch up in Europe overall, no less: Such as the Expansion of the glass fiber and 5G infrastructure needs to be significantly accelerated, the Potential of digitization for our education system better, and the Digital internal market finally, If we want to, however, belong to the world top, we also need real “breakthroughs” has to go out of which speed and signal effects for the digitization and the technological progress in Germany.

Four of our proposals are:

1. We establish a Digital University

Many digitisation drivers, such as Apple, Facebook, Google and co. have arisen in the field of Elite American universities. Even if Germany has, in the width of a strong and diverse higher education landscape, particularly in the case of Compare in the IT and technology area at the very top is always the same name: MIT, ETH, Oxford. The latter two show that Elite can be a European claim.

We therefore propose to establish a German Digital University . According to the model of the ETH Zurich, this can be funded by the Federal government as a globally competitive top-of-institution set up. The two universities of the German armed forces show that specific pathways are possible. Also, a joint sponsorship of the Federation and the länder would be conceivable. Through research alliances with the other German Top-universities in the field of stem, such as the LMU and TU München, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DFKI, TU Berlin, or the RWTH Aachen, synergies can be created and shared future projects to be driven forward. dpa/Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpabild Christian Lindner, party leader and Chairman of the FDP group in the Bundestag.

2. We make our management to a pioneer in Virtual reality

The digital breakthrough is not possible in an analog state. In our authorities is often made of Bismarck in front of Bits and Bytes. Why do you need for a Vehicle registration nor an appointment at the office? Why can’t we be logged on a Startup with one click online? Why can deceive cheaters the German state to have a business registered? Pioneers such as Estonia, that’s better.

Our proposal: We create the real “ Virtual administrations ” with the right to secure signatures: The public administrations in Germany collectively awarded contracts for the research and development of “Virtual Reality” or “Augmented Reality” in the public sector. According to the model of the “Digital regions” in North-Rhine-want to be> Westphalia, we as from the Laggards in E-Government to the avant-garde in Virtual Government </strong. By the end of next year, all still necessary Amtsgänge should be virtually possible.

promising developers and Startups exist in Germany. From such a program provided an additional boost to the IT and Startup could run out of scene. If the state aid then, most recently in the Corona-crisis within the shortest possible time mass applications need to edit, we have a functioning and legally-secure digital management system, which makes the state unable to act.

All the information about the corona of a crisis in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

3. We will create a special Foundation zone of the EU

start-UPS a fuel for innovation, prosperity and new employment. The Startup and start – up scene in Germany has developed well in recent years. But here, too, Germany can’t make it in the Top 5. The lead of Silicon Valley, and co. donors at the clock and “Unicorns” (Startups with a market value of over a billion dollars) is getting bigger and bigger.

Three questions: Why do we make the opportunities from Startups to the European project ? Why don’t we use the of a strong start-up dynamics, the Impulse as the new growth and employment project for Europe? And why don’t we invest more resources in the EU into a real European projects? We propose to call a special Foundation zone of the EU to life: No bureaucracy, top infrastructure, best promotion of top-level research. With full scholarships, we pick the 1000 best minds in Europe and the 1,000 best minds in the world.

Many of will find dedicated and performance-oriented young people in Hong Kong are safe or in the USA is currently not feel Welcome, in Europe a new home. And innovations, technologies and prosperity of the future advance. Not even one percent of the EU subsidies from the Corona-stimulus package, the European future – and top project possible. Here are the future opportunities of the industrially weaker in the established regions of Europe. automatica trade FAIR, MUNICH/the AUTOMATIC robot provide opportunities for Covid-19-reboot in the industry

4. We are building a Foundation for Artificial intelligence

Who wants to play in the future at the top, must be to the top with KI. Very good starting points already exist, such as with the German research center for Artificial intelligence, which has its headquarters in Kaiserslautern. To bundle these and more in Germany, existing Strengths, to create synergies and incentives for more research and development is one of the most important future technologies, we propose the creation of a ” Foundation Artificial intelligence “.

the Federal government and the Länder are investing 100 million Euro Foundation capital, a further 100 million euros could be raised from companies and sponsors. The Foundation is aimed to invest in the development of specific AI-based technologies and services for the benefit of citizens and SMEs, as well as to the modernisation of the administration. A first step could be the development AI-based control software . The Potential is huge: millions of people annually invest huge resources in their tax returns. With AI, it could be exhausting from the complicated and nerve, the smart and modern tax policy.

we Make us today to be fit for the competition for the top positions in the digital age. For employment, advancement, value-creation and prosperity of tomorrow.

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