The “lists of caregivers racialized” going against the values of the lay in the Republic ? It all started on Twitter. The account Cell, black, managed by a group of caregivers of color, had published a list of gynecologists black leader in the Île-de-France. At the same time, a small advertisement of a patient seeking a nurse of color in Paris was unveiled on the same account, removed since. Some internet users contacted by Franceinfo, justify the setting online of this type of lists. Roxane, côte d’ivoire, 21-year-old remembers a face-to-face rather tense with a gynecologist. “I told him that I wanted to have a prescription for the pill and it had this note : “It surprises me, usually African, they like to give birth to the allocs.” And he laughed, apparently for him it was a joke. I was super shocked. “Since then, Roxane does appointments with gynecologists in black. Audrey, meanwhile, refers to certain specificities due to his skin color. “At the time of surgical operations, we do not support absolutely not the thread to sew. There was one surgeon in particular who has confirmed to me that the dark skins were very, very, very difficult to healing “, she says.

The disclosure of this list has aroused the indignation of the Licra (the international League against racism and anti-semitism). “The madness of identity leads to this : choose their physician based on the color of his skin and publish lists of black physicians. We ask Olivier Véran to take this matter to defend the honor of the profession and that of the Republic ! “growls the Twitter account of the association. A position defended by the national council of the College of physicians and that of nurses. “The College of physicians and the College of Nursing strongly condemn the constitution of directories of health professionals in the community. “

Olivier Véran “shocked” by the establishment and dissemination of these lists

Although each patient is free to choose his or her practitioner, the College of physicians says in a press release that make this choice according to the color of skin is tantamount to infringing on ” the fundamental values of humanism, medical and to the base of a Republic, and its values lay. If there is discrimination, it must be reported and, where appropriate, that these doctors are punished. “For its part, the union of young physicians indicates that the problem is quite different :” What is the problem, it is that there are patients and patients who feel discriminated against in health, and that this problem is not resolved by the institutions that should settle it. All of the external initiatives which aim to respond to them, we are defending them because at least they propose to move forward on the issue of racism in health. “” The cabinet of the minister of Health, Olivier Véran, says he is shocked by the establishment of these lists and account on the College of physicians to enforce the rules of professional conduct of the profession “, conclude our colleagues.