This is in the gray and sometimes in the rain as thousands of Malians have gathered here this Tuesday on Independence square, the epicenter of the protest, which blows for more than two months on Bamako and disrupts the country. A new demonstration of force, which was massive, after a two-week break for the festivities of the Eid, but has a significantly less mobilized as gatherings previous. The protesters, braving the elements, holding placards, shouting slogans demanding the departure of president in place, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, have lost nothing of their determination. On the streets leading to Independence square, a motley crowd and compact, rather young, in the cacophony of vuvuzelas, has come to express anger, which since June 5, last sentence, according to them, to be heard and understood by the head of State and his regime.

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A string of invective in the place of IBK and its Prime minister

” He must understand our message, because we are fed up “, is époumone Bakary, 31 years. “We went out to say no and that any of our number today, this is the fourth time that we do, and we will continue as we will not be expected,” he continued.

a few tens of meters away, Mohamed, 25 years old, from Timbuktu, who believes hard as iron that ‘ a New Mali is possible “, is not him, not more, not tender towards the head of the State and the executive : “IBK and his government today, even if we gave them the solution with a magic formula, they will not be able to apply it. They have shown their limitations, their inability to lead the country. The youth in mali is output, it is not sleeping, she is standing, she is worthy of. She will participate in the public thing. It is necessary that they understand it. It is not said that one is better than them, but we can do better than them, that, I assure you ! “, stated he.

A protester next to him, face hidden by a scarf sand, takes issue with verve to the Prime minister, the other target of the placards carried by many demonstrators, on which one could read of the injunctions calling for his resignation : “I’m from Timbuktu, too. There, we live in a chasm today. We do not have a road and insecurity, don’t talk about it. The Prime minister, liar that he is, held of the promises in the face of the Ulama, in the face of the notables of Timbuktu, as well as in front of the Minusma, promises signed by his hand. A year later, no promise is held. He is a liar and we don’t want him “, lance-t-il with fervor.

also Read “What has abandoned the political man, a malian, it really is morals and ethics”

“What we really want…”

Under the monument of Independence, Moussa would like to clarify the purpose that inspires, according to him, most of the protesters : “All we want, it is a country at the forefront, led by a man who has a vision for the country and who will be able to meet the needs of the Malians, that’s all. There will be no limit as long as this will not be effective as long as the claims of the Malians have not been met. We are here today, and we will continue to go out ! “

The pressure of the protest continues on IBK and the government. © Olivier Dubois

This youth, with mali coming in the rain to claim crying out for the resignation of the president of the Republic and the head of government is conceived as the generation ” after those who have supported IBK “, a generation who aspire to a new future, at the end of the current system for the good of all Malians. “Those who support IBK, these are our elders, our uncles, our fathers, but the generation that we represent do not recognize themselves in this regime, in this management. The policy has become a family affair. It is not the politician because of his ideals, to what he can bring to the region, but more for what he can give to some people. The policy in mali has failed and our elders have failed on all fronts. Our generation was thrown to say no ! We call for the need for all Malians. The malian political, the elders have failed, leave the place to the youth. One cannot make new with old, it doesn’t exist ! “, explains Moustapha, 27 years old, who wishes that the youth does not miss this important moment of its history.

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A parade of personalities of the challenge

On the stage full to bursting in front of the monument to independence, the leaders of the protest movement M5-RFP, led by the influential Imam Mahmoud Dicko, authority and figurehead of the protest, highly respected by most of the Malians, come and warm up by the rants at the destination of the president and of his executive, a crowd gained and broken for the past two months to protest and just waiting for the right word, the right formula to ignite. “If IBK do we not listen, he will see. I swear to God that he will see, but let’s not be in a hurry. We’re going to win this victory, but in a peaceful way “, throws it at a crowd white hot the imam Dicko, the last speaker to take the floor.

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signs of hardening and the hard-line position

At the end of the demonstration, dozens of Malians have decided to stay and occupy the independence square for the night, and for some, ” until the start found the president of the Republic and its government “. A positioning and hardening of the part of the protest movement at the antipodes of appeals for calm and dialogue urged by the ex-president Goodluck Jonathan, the main mediator of the Ecowas arrived in Bamako on Monday last, and who has been trying for weeks to solve the socio-political crisis in which the country is immersed since the month of June.

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… in the face of a crisis that drags on…

A crisis that has seen the light of day and has spread after the invalidation of the results of a thirty deputies during the parliamentary elections of march-April by the constitutional Court. The institution, whose members, under a proposal from the Ecowas, have been replaced on the 7th of August last, after three events in two months, who had known their climax on July 10, when protesters, entered in civil disobedience have been and are violently taken to institutions that are the national assembly and the first channel of television of the country, the ORTM. The event had then degenerated into a long weekend of violent clashes with security forces, resulting in more than a dozen victims, mostly young people.

… in spite of the mediation of Ecowas

Five heads of State of Ecowas visited the country in late July, to try to mediate and recommend avenues of exit from the crisis : the establishment of a national unity government, the appointment of new constitutional judges, the resignation of the thirty-odd mps whose election had been invalidated by the constitutional Court. The opponents of the M5-RFP have rejected the proposal of formation of a national unity government and remained on their hard-line initial, calling for the resignation of the president IBK. A red line not to be exceeded for the Ecowas, described by several demonstrators of the “union of heads of States in West Africa,” in a crisis that many Malians consider to be ” a problem 100 % of mali resolve between Malians “.

Read also : Mali setback for the plan to end the crisis of the Ecowas

A front of mps in mali has categorically refused to resign, believing to have been democratically elected by the people of mali. In this crisis, which lasts for two months, no solution to exit the crisis has failed to reach a consensus. Those recommended by the Ecowas, even if they have begun to be implemented, have not been able to put an end to the political crisis in the country and don’t know to the hour what will be the outcome in this country that is trying hard to recover from the 2012 crisis and of jihadist attacks, which continue until today.

also Read : Mali-making function of the nine judges of the constitutional Court

writing will advise you

Mali : “It is really unfortunate to mix the Forsat considerations politicians” Mali : Ecowas does not exclude sanctions “that has abandoned the political man, a malian, it really is morals and ethics,” Mali : “Custom, the institutions have suffered the décrédibilisation of those who embody” the Five african heads of State at the bedside of the Mali crisis in Mali : setback for the plan to end the crisis of the Ecowas