These data come from a recent study by the real estate agent Engel & Völkers, which was carried out together with the opinion research Institute Insa-Consulere online. More than 1,000 property owners from Germany at the age of about 50 years were interviewed in the framework of the investigation of your current real estate situation and financial circumstances.

“Best Agers” want high liquid assets

60 percent of the study participants estimate that your property has a current value between 200,000 and 600,000 euros . At 64 percent, the share of the property by the total wealth is higher than 50 percent. Over a third (35 per cent), the proportion even higher than 75 percent. Click here for a checklist for your individual real estate financing

“property owners in the own four walls of home and relaxing atmosphere,” commented Johannes Glasl, managing Director of Engel & Völkers Liquid Home, the results of the study.

Financial security is crucial

For more than half of the respondents (51 percent) is the property of financial security. 48 percent have assumed the debts of your property already fully.

Moreover, the study objectives, information on investment and projects that would realize the respondents, if you have sufficient liquid funds available: 70-percent the vast majority, to enjoy with the money especially the General financial freedom wishes. Other preferences:

  • 35 percent want to renovate your home
  • 24 percent want to fulfill a dream
  • 23% want the family to financially support
  • 22 percent want to pay off debt

‘t worry about Corona-crisis

The current Corona-crisis impacted the respondents study participants: After that, every fifth owner, that its current assets will worsen the situation due to the Corona-crisis.

  • All of the messages to the Corona-crisis in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online

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