Relief. The pumping operation has been a success off the island where the ship struck the end of July on a reef, threatening to break on board a hundred tons of fuel oil. “All the oil has been pumped out of the tanks “, was revealed on Wednesday 12 August at the press, the Prime minister, Pravind Jugnauth. “It was a race against the clock, and I applaud the wonderful work shot to avoid a new black tide “, has recognized the elected. The ship threatens to break in two had on board, in the hold, in particular, still a hundred tons of fuel oil.

Since the end of the last week of the intervention teams worked together on the boat, especially with the help of a helicopter, to pump the hydrocarbons still present in the tanks of the vessel. In total, the MV Wakashio, belonging to a shipowner japanese, was carrying 3 800 tons of fuel oil and 200 tonnes of diesel.

also Read oil spill in Mauritius : Emmanuel Macron announced that it will send “teams and equipment”

“Approximately 800 tons of fuel oil were discharged into the sea”

He had struck the 25 July a reef at Pointe d’esny, but the oil had started to escape from its flanks ripped that last week. According to the Prime minister, “about 800 tonnes were spilled into the sea,” to reach the shores of the island of Mauritius. The pollution has caused a surge of solidarity impressive within of the 1.3 million inhabitants of this archipelago of the Indian ocean. Thousands of them have been hard at work for several days to pick up the oil and try to contain the pollution by making and deploying into the water rolls floating.