The Coronavirus is not only during direct contact and by droplet transfer, even tiny airborne particles (aerosols) can spread via the air. For example, if you have small virus particles are released when you Speak or Exhale into the air.

so Far, scientists have not been able to determine, however, how infectious are these aerosols. Whether people infected actually on the air, had not been clearly established. Just as little, whether the viral load of particles in suspension is high enough, to cause a condition.

researchers from Florida should be able to but now. The researchers found in a study that the viral load of the particles is large and, therefore, infectious. The Research complete, the live viruses contained in the suspended particles. That is, in their opinion, a clear indication that the Virus is present in aerosols is actually infectious.

The scientists conducted an Experiment. You checked infectious hospital of the air by collecting samples from a distance of two to five meters, to a Covid-19-patients.

surf tip: All the news about the Corona of a pandemic, refer to the News Ticker of FOCUS Online

viruses expert on study of infectious aerosols: “Smoking Gun”

The result: In the air samples of the identical virus genome, which they had taken on the patient was. Thus, the researchers concluded that it may have been virus particles of another patient that was also in the room, traded.

so Far, the study has been published on the prePrint Server medrxiv. She has received no external advice. The scientists were able to show that the aerosols are infectious – whether that’s enough for an actual infection, and Covid-19 disease, but it is still not clear. This needs to be checked.

The American scientist and virus expert, Linsey Marr, the study told after all already on Twitter and described it as a “Smoking Gun”.

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