As the last major network operator in Germany, has now betrayed the German Telekom, has completed the second quarter of the current year. And on Thursday in Bonn Figures a surprise in several ways. Because on the one hand, you can look forward to the Telekom about a new record turnover, on the other hand, it is in a completely different place in front of a large construction site. Because in the mobile Segment, Performance in the value-based contract is broken into customer Segment significantly.

Telekom wins a lot of mobile customers, almost all Prepaid

Overall, the second quarter of delivery for Deutsche Telekom with a view to the acquisition of new customers in the mobile at first glance, this is not bad. In the balance sheets, an increase from 435,000 customers, which is compared to Vodafone (+146.000) and Telefónica Germany (-130.000) a real exclamation point. Would not be a Problem: The majority of new customers (405.000) opted for a Prepaid card. Means: Only 30,000 mobile customers chose a contract rate, the means for the Telekom significantly more revenue.

Vodafone and Telefónica were in mobile contract customers between April and June, with a view to new contracts being popular. Vodafone could in this country to connect to their own information, 57,000 new contract customers to its network, Telefónica lost 366.000 Prepaid customers, but also has 158.000 new contract customers. For comparison: In the last four quarters the number of new contract customers stood at the Telekom always between 153.000 and 184.000.

on the whole, the Telekom at the closing by the end of June, around 25,51 million contract and 21,89 million prepaid customers registered. Add to that 17,65 million fixed-network lines. However, their number continues to decline. In the second quarter, the Telekom has lost 62,000 of traditional landline customers. At the same time band additions came 87.000 wide new. As many as the past two years. The total number of broadband connections improved so 13,90 million.

more and more IPTV additions

More Numbers: the sum of The connected subscriber lines (TAL), which you can hire competitors to be able to a broadband connection via the Telecom network to realize, went back for more 144.000 to 4.36 million. A TV contract for Magenta-TV-products 3,72 million Telekom now use customers. These are some 46,000 more than at the end of March.

outside of Germany, Telekom lost in Europe is 251,000 mobile and 56,000 landline customers. Quite different is the result in the United States. Here are the mobile made radio-the number of customers jumping to 39,18 million to 107,72 million, of which 77,75 million contract customers. Of course not in a row of organic growth, but because of the merger of T-Mobile US and competitors, Sprint. Meanwhile, the Telekom looks but only to about 98 million customers, because at the beginning of July had to be sold the Prepaid business of Sprint in the course of Merger remedies. Nevertheless, the Telekom is in the USA now claims to be the second-largest mobile provider.

Telekom earnings jump

Financially, Deutsche Telekom was able to implement in the second quarter of the year is 27.04 to the billion euros. The result of the Sprint Acquisition of 37.5 per cent more than in the same quarter of the previous year. A whopping 77.5 percent of its revenues, the Telecom is now abroad – primarily in the United States. The earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) increased by almost 50% to 10,03 billion euros. The consolidated net profit resulted, however, due to high merger costs, with 20 per cent in the negative and stood at EUR 754 million. The adjusted net profit was up 3.8 percent at 1.28 billion euros.

the impact of Corona-pandemic Telekom sensed according to its own information in the wholesale business, where new jobs are delayed. And also in case of Roaming-in revenues in the mobile communications declining sales were recorded. You are due to travel restrictions under pressure.

This article was written by Hayo Lücke

*The contribution of “Telekom with new monster figures – Amazing development in the mobile” will be released by Inside Digital. Contact with the executives here.

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