Who should pay for this, please? These are the questions people ask at the end in Germany’s major cities for quite some time, but a newly released analysis of the portal “Immowelt” illustrates how precarious the situation is for families now. Even parents with a recognised vocational qualification are therefore, in many places before a major challenge.

In cities such as Munich (46%) or Berlin (42 percent) must be spent more than 40 percent of the average net household income. A Trend that is also reflected in the smaller cities. In the cities of Heidelberg, Rostock or Freiburg, the rent for parents is with a vocational qualification to at least 35 percent. Parents without a vocational qualification can, however, lift the Rents in the respective cities and not much more.

The calculation was for cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, the monthly burden of rent and ancillary costs of an apartment with 80 to 120 square meters in Relation to the average net household income for a family of four calculated. As the basis of the Federal employment Agency published the gross income of the serve, differentiated by qualifications (without, approved, academic). These were converted into the corresponding net salaries.

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“We continue to have a huge Problem on the supply side,” says real estate expert Claus Michelsen from the German Institute for economic research (DIW) in an interview with FOCUS Online. Due to the ever-increasing influx to the cities, too little living space is simply not available, and the drives up the prices.

had to be basically built so still more, but still it hapere in the implementation of this supposedly simple project, – the expert believes. But as the long-term Trend is finally reversing?

1. Land speculation stop

It seems absurd, but for many a private Investor, it is actually more attractive to equip its spaces with apartments. Land speculation is the phenomenon which occurs especially in urban centers such as Munich, Berlin or Hamburg regularly called. In this case investors do not make a conscious decision to cultivate land, as prices in the promise of the rapidly rising Ground a higher rate of return than a building investment. dpa/Jens Kalaene/dpa-Central image/dpabild parents with a recognised vocational qualification can not afford the Rents in the German cities more and more often

The reason for this is the low taxation of land. “The adopted property tax reform will not stop the speculation,” says real estate expert Michelsen. The ratio of profit due to Non-development of the tax loss continues to be favorable. A nationwide tax increase on the Basis of the land value would have helped, in the opinion of the experts, to increase the incentives for construction projects. Some could not the government parties, however.

2. Social housing and housing cooperatives

Particularly hard by the high prices mainly affect poorer families. No wonder, after all, the Rent shirring in many cases, a large part of the income then, in Munich, according to “immowelt” an average of 55 per cent.

a solution could be the expansion of social housing, but the progress in Germany. 2018 nationwide may have been built 27.040-funded social housing, compared to the previous year, this was only an increase of 809 dwellings.

The tenants ‘ Association holds 80,000 additional social housing required per year. In Berlin, the inventory has shrunk between 2008 and 2018, almost half of 172.629 objects on 97.872. For relaxation on the delicate housing market, this does not contribute, of course.

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A solution for the lack of affordable housing, particularly for low-income households that represent housing co-operatives. You can offer your members exactly what so many crave: safety and affordable housing.

The membership in such a cooperative may, in principle, apply to everyone. Various rights are associated, such as a life-long right of residence.

With the entry of the new member must also purchase obligation shares in the cooperative. Depending on the size and age of the apartment which are multiplied to acquire the shares.

A concrete example: In the case of medium-sized Berlin-based housing co-operative Berolina is the compulsory share in the case of 205 euros. This sum is multiplied according to size and age of the apartment.

  • A 2000-built 70-square meter apartment will cost ten shares, so 2050 Euro.
  • For a pre-2000-built 50-square-meter apartment is exactly half, so 1025 Euro.

the rent for new Contracts in the Berolina an average of 7.20 euros per square metre (net cold) is Added, the margin ranges from € 6.00 to € 8.50 per square meter.

cooperatives Also pursue economic interests, reinvest profits, but for the most part in the care of the herd, Social and Kiezarbeit, as well as new construction.

However, housing cooperatives are in competition with private investors or state-owned companies and can be gouged in the allocation of building land often. Cooperatives and policy are often at odds.

3. Building permits must faster and surfaces repurposed

can be approved Not more time are sometimes also the bureaucratic structures, at you many an Investor so desperate in Germany. Due to the Demographic change towards an ageing society, the building authorities had set at the beginning of the turn of the Millennium, is actually on less of a cities growth.

this is Visible by the in a statistic. Because according to the DIW the work in the building authorities is distributed on fewer and fewer employees. Accordingly, the number of employees is to check the building permits and municipal buildings plan, from 1991 to 2011, by about 35 percent. By 2015, were dismantled, with a new way of counting, a further nine per cent of the staff. “This shortage of personnel has changed only a little,” says Michelsen.

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be The result of continue to long approval processes. In addition to more staff, a so-called pattern could create building regulations to remedy the situation. The idea behind it is simple: it Corresponds to a planned construction project, a typical building (pattern) procedure to the project in a simplified approval; thus, it can be started faster with the construction.

at the same time, potential building sites would have to be swift in the land rezoned, says Michelsen. All too often, noise protection and emission verordnugnen that “there are areas in which commercial and residential mix, little construction activity”.

in Perspective the Problem of high Rents in Germany can only be achieved through greater efforts in the housing sector to solve. The policy itself needs to be as a player is active, but also for investors to create the right conditions. Regulations such as Rent control, or even a ceiling according to the Berlin model provide no more than a temporary relaxation. The actual challenge of the shortage of housing in these mechanisms, however, hardly.

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