While Italian meps, affecting an estimated 13 000 euros net monthly, between compensation (more than eur 5 000), reimbursement of expenses and employment of staff, two members of the lower house of the Italian Parliament, from the League (far-right) apologized Thursday, August 13, for having requested the sign-up Bonus ” Covid “, an emergency aid of 600 euros per month for people in great financial difficulty.

According to indiscretions mps revealed by The daily la Repubblica, five members of parliament in total would have made that request, but only two members of the League have been identified so far : Andrea Dara and Elena Murelli. Both have been suspended by their party, led by ex-vice Prime minister and minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini, but they remain mps.

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“I’m not responsible”

Andrea Dara, 41, an entrepreneur in the textile sector of the region of Mantova (North), explained that it was his mother, co-manager of his company, which had made the request for him. “I understand the party’s decision, I accept the responsibility for what happened, even if I’m not responsible, directly (…) I’m not looking for excuses “, he said. As to Elena Murelli, a teacher and consultant for 45 years, she has not made a public statement, but would be excused from instances of his party, according to the newspaper Corriere della sera.

the identity of The three other deputies involved could be revealed on Friday during the hearing in Parliament of the president of the organization responsible for the management of the Bonus Covid. The Italian press estimated that some 2 000 other political leaders, including mayors and municipal councilors or regional, have also made the request.

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This assistance, provided without income limit in two government decrees, was in the amount of 600 euros for the months of march and April, and then of 1 000 euros in respect of the month of may. It is addressed, for example, activities subject to VAT, to self-employed, seasonal workers, affected by the pandemic of the sars coronavirus. A total of 6.9 billion euros in “Bonus Covid” has been distributed to Italian during these three months.

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