In Germany have been infected so far, 220.405 people with the Coronavirus, as data from the country’s health and social ministries is clear. On Thursday, the number of new infections stood at 1455 (1182 on Wednesday). Especially high is the number of new infections in NRW with 535 was. dpa/Hendrik Schmidt/dpa-Central image/EG samples for Corona Tests to be prepared for further investigation.

9185 people have so far died of the Coronavirus. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the number of Recovering amounts to 199.500. Thus, around 11.720 people are infected acute the are 720 (active cases more than the previous day).

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The R-value is increased according to RKI slightly from 0.88 to 0.91–, and is still below the critical mark of 1. The R-value indicates how many more people infects a of Infected in the cut.

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