is How to get rich, is one of the questions that many of us are busy constantly, and yet very few take the trouble to inform themselves sufficiently about it. (Also read: These things make people rich otherwise)

When we were kids, no one was particularly pleased when he cracked the piggy Bank and coins found than expected. As adults, we carry around every Time we open the Bank account App, the same fear with us. We may not, therefore, try to think a lot about our personal financial Situation and falling into clichés, which will help anyone, but especially not our own pockets.

happens To this in the future, we have compiled a few lies about money, which many of us believe (and should believe). (Read also: how much money have the most important CEOs of 2019 earned)

7 lies about the rich

1. You need a big salary to be able to

It is true save that money needs money, and the more money you have, the easier it is to generate more money. When my sister was looking for work, was told in an interview that “work is like a friend: If you’re Single, want you have no one; and if you have a friend, are all out to get you”. A comparison can easily be also on the money to modify: If You got it, You come easily to more; You’re broke, it’s hard to know what to find.

you deserve But no matter how little, you can always set a small portion aside and in order for an investment to make. A small salary will not, of course, as much as a huge. But if we strive we can add all the crumbs for crumbs for the Bank account. (Also read: study – so much content, we need to be happy)

2. The salary does not justify each and every work

no, it is worthwhile to make a Job you like, if you get paid for just good enough. You can accept maybe for a few years, but you will enjoy in a spiral of misfortune ends, which prevents you from this money at all.

Also, you have to do a lot of unpleasant tasks, which will lead, in the long view, is that you don’t make your work bad, because you like them. Everything has its time, and you should quickly draw a line, if you not only in a Job that you like, so you can pay the bills. (Also read: salary increase denied – these things can be money value)

3. Money is synonymous with freedom

Many people are of the opinion that money is the Only thing that gives you freedom, or that they could be free, when your Bank account would be filled with something firmer. Surprise, dear reader: It is a lie. If you had more money, they would have certainly more responsibilities and more things for which you would have to spend it.

The most free people in the world are usually the ones that get rid of many constraints, and with the good life, what have you. Money may give you perhaps a little relief, but not freedom.

4. To invest, one must understand a consultants

We find that the financial world is complicated and that there is a lot to learn. And we also understand that it’s tempting to leave that to someone else the effort for a reasonable fee. But if you don’t have a lot of money, this fee is unnecessary.

you can Buy a suitable business book and self-learn how the financial world works! You organize your debt and savings, and invest in the stock market! It is not as complicated as it sounds. Download a wallet App and make a few investments with play money, then you will quickly see how it runs. You could even be a (game-)millionaire.

5. Save I can. later

you might think that you are in the best years, and that may be true, but it is never too early to think about retirement From the looks of it, before it is retired to a very bleak future, and it is very likely that we will depend on our own savings to be able to live well.

as tempting As it is to plunder the savings Fund, be reasonable and leave the money there until you really need it. Keep in mind that your 40 years older, I steal, if you touch it. Come on, would you really an old man to steal?

6. Money is the Only thing that guarantees stability

Although, as we have already said, money is something that gives us a sense of security and peace of mind, it should not be the only thing that gives us stability. We should be able to be emotionally and psychologically stable, even if we are in a bad economic Situation. (Also read: 7 things that make rich people differently)

7. You can’t improve the economic Situation, in which one was born,

It is true that most people who are poor are born, to die poor. But it is also true that it is a universal rule. The Zara founder Amancio Ortega created an Empire from Nothing and is now one of the richest men in the world.

We do not say that you are on the Forbes list come to be, but it’s also not the family you are born into it, or from the contacts that you don’t have to be discouraged to leave.

This article originally appeared under the title at the GQ Spain

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*The contribution of “rich: 7 lies about money, many people believe” will be released by GQ. Contact with the executives here.