In the nationwide distributed Median clinics are housed in patients suffering from the consequences of a Covid-19-condition late. Including Bernd Oschowski* (50). He is in five weeks in the rehab clinic in Heiligendamm on the Baltic sea.

FOCUS Online: you have just come from a therapy, in one hour, you have to go to the next. What is your daily routine?

Bernd Oschowski: unlike most of a rehab stay, imagine probably. I’m totally required, complete here felt a kind of Turbo-program. I go to the device training, group aerobics, swimming. I take a breath group, go in addition to individually for respiratory muscle training and do breathing reflex massage. Also, a therapy group, in which the experience is spoken, is part of the process. And, of course, you always meet Doctors, it is checked through.

you were ill in may to Corona. How do you do?

Oschowski: if you Would have asked me two weeks ago, would have been the answer is probably pretty desperate. In the meantime, I’m a little more confident. I still have a hard time with the stairs, but I can go back a bit to a normal pace, without me faints.

my leg muscles plays better now. Previously, I had problems with coordination, have trembled at the Run sometimes strong – pudding legs! Surf tip: All the news about the Corona of a pandemic, refer to the News Ticker of FOCUS Online

The disease is now three months. You were a risk patient?

Oschowski: not at All. If so, then perhaps a maximum on the basis of age, it is no longer mid 20’s. But otherwise: In Corona, I went three times a week to the gym, I pulled in the swimming pool my cars. I am eating healthy, I smoke and drink a maximum of one to two Times the alcohol in a year.

you Know how you have plugged in?

Oschowski: Yes. At a time, as I said, me honestly a bit of a Worry to have, because of my profession. I am a physiotherapist and work permanently employed in the hospital. At the beginning of the Corona pandemic, it is to me, how many: I was sitting with my wife in front of the TV, we have seen these pictures and told us: for Us that’s not true.

Some of the things said researchers, had a rather calming effect on us. But when you work in a hospital, it does not work the Displace on a permanent basis. It is not only older patients, we came to the intensive care unit, also people my age and below. I have worn at work, always a mask.

The patient, however, is not. I remember the older gentleman that happened. I had to mobilise the Fund, he was after a hip OP in a pretty bad walk. Distance is to be kept in such situations, it is not possible. The Moment he turned around, and me directly in the face of the language, I remember exactly. It was a strange feeling – even though he was completely symptom-free.

How did it go?

Oschowski: The Patient was stationary. Before he should be laid in a rehab, was by default, made a Corona Test. The result is I learned on a Tuesday afternoon: in a Positive way! Crap, I thought. And promptly, in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, it went with me going on: pain in the limbs, high fever, chills.

you had to be ventilated in the hospital artificially.

Oschowski: Yes, because there are three weeks in my life that I hardly remember. My wife and I know that my condition was critical. The patient files I have not looked at yet in detail. I can’t do yet, the tears too much.

emotionally, you must be after such an experience again built up.

How it came to rehab?

Oschowski: This was a recommendation of the accident Fund. After I was awakened from the artificial sleep, I had to learn again to breathe. This is very exhausting! The first time you tried it for an hour, then two, then gradually longer and longer. After a while, it is only at night on the machine. During the day, without technical support, I had, in part, strong Fears: the nurse in a timely manner and made me re-connect?

What if not? At that time, also images from the time of the artificial respiration is high. Of the other patients here in rehab I know that there are the frequently, that, in this state of nightmares. One dream was particularly horrible, I have fought for, and finally gave up. It was, therefore, not only is my body, which had to be rebuilt after several weeks in hospital.

The issue is not just the impaired lung function or that I got rid of ten kilos of muscle mass. Also mentally, you must be after such an experience again built up.

Have you come directly from the hospital to Rehabilitation to Heiligendamm?

Oschowski: Yes, you drove me to a medical transport here. A strange feeling. I stand in the midst of life, now I felt like an old, sick man. Upon my arrival, I could see that I don’t know God is the only one, it goes like this. Many of the patients are on the hospital grounds with the Rollator on the way. At first I resisted me, as it was recommended for me to take such a part help. But it helped nothing, I made it easy to without. So it was a kind of role reversal. I that I had supported before, sick and weak patients, has now supported itself.

you Have made fast progress?

Oschowski: , especially the first two weeks are cruel. I constantly asked myself.: The ever comes back? Will I be able to lead a normal life again? I used to swim a mile at a stretch, now, in the therapy pool, I managed to make 30 metres. From the third week it went uphill and then in very easy steps. But it would be a lie to say that you would only look to the future with condence. It is not long since I came in the Gym from the Mat up. Because triple one moves then already, a few tears.

Can make the Doctors give you courage? There is a prognosis?

Oschowski: This is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, Doctors can now report patients in whom the Back into everyday life is managed. This is certainly different than it was even two or three months ago, when there was no experience in terms of recovery after Covid-19.

On the other hand: some uncertainty still seems to be there. We are in the process, this is a sentence I have heard in a doctor’s talks more often. We still know too little about the disease, the falls more often. In fact, it seems to be patients in whom certain changes in the lungs are permanent. I am trying to leave me such messages, not pull them down, trying to look at what I’ve done.

After five weeks of rehab, I have since a couple of days the impression that it is by leaps and bounds, I’m all better. Especially when I’m at the beach, I notice the. The clinic is directly on the sea.

I would like to know what happened in the three weeks of Black-Outs carefully. I’m afraid to look,

Comes back in such moments, the joy of life?

Oschowski: joy of life would be too much to say. I know that I still have a lot ahead of me, if I’m being released in the coming week. Going home, I begin the Trauma work. I would like to know what happened in the three weeks of Black-Outs carefully. I look scared, but I think it is important to be really stable. When I can return to my profession, I do not know.

a so-called follow-up treatment with a lot of outpatient therapy is Planned. And then the reintegration will of course be sometime theme. I love my job, back to like! But of course I’m afraid to come back in situations where I am close to the patient. Many people seem to me to be very careless in dealing with a possible infection.

the joy of life, I wouldn’t call it that now. But perhaps it is in this direction.

It is hard for me to see how close the people crowded the beach promenade along to run. I make a big bow around such situations, I am on the loved one on the front of the water. To have the feet in the cool Wet or go barefoot across the warm Sand, which is a nice feeling. As I said: the joy of life, I wouldn’t call it that now. But perhaps it is in this direction.

*the Name has been changed

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