Despite a widening of the port of the mask mandatory in some places of Paris, the department, as that of the Bouches-du-Rhône, has been placed in the active area of the virus, according to a decree published in the official Journal on Friday, 14 August, reports Le Figaro.

Wednesday, on France 2, Olivier Véran had mentioned this possibility, stating that Paris and Marseille could go ” in the next few hours or days in the zone of active circulation of the virus “. The minister of Health had stated that ” the prefects tha[have] to be brought in if the situation of the epidemic requires to take further measures, such as adjustments to the opening of certain places “.

2 669 new cases in 24 hours

The indicators for monitoring the epidemic Covid-19 in France, ” continue to deteriorate “, warned, on Thursday, the Directorate-general of health (DGS), with a number of new cases confirmed that ” steadily increasing “. Over the last 24 hours, 2 669 new cases were detected (compared to 2 524 Wednesday), noted by the DGS in point daily. And the increasing number of cases, between 3 and 9 August, “is more important among people aged 15-44 years (+ 46 %)” in metropolis, was the instance in the point weekly aired also that Thursday.

Read also Mask and coronavirus : the “method” to “ABCD” Olivier Véran

The DGS emphasised a “number of hospitalized persons increased in the last three weeks in particular at least 40 years” in metropolitan France in its note weekly. “In metropolitan France, the situation is worrying “, worried still the DGS in the analysis of the last week. In French Guiana and Mayotte, the outbreak is ” in decline but still at a level of high vulnerability “.

in addition, fifty gendarmes of Tarbes, on a platoon of 82, who had been returning from a mission in Polynesia, was tested positive to the Covid-19, according to the prefecture of the Hautes-Pyrenees. In total, 30 of the 388 people died in France (17 more in 24 hours) 19 883 within hospitals and 10 505 in institutions, social and medico-social (last digit dating back to Tuesday). The DGS further reports 201 admissions to the hospital in 24 hours, an increase because there were only 143 mentioned in addition to Wednesday. On the other hand, on the side of the resuscitation, 374 ill are accounted for (that is, 5 less than Wednesday). Île-de-France, Auvergne, Rhône-Alpes, Hauts-de-France, the Grand Is grouped 69 % of the patients in the icu.

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