Everything works the way it on a real airport needs to operate: The S-Bahn and Regio drive the passengers to the Terminal, with the FEX there is even an Express train between Central station and BER. There is a highway Shuttle, Parking lots, and Hotels. There are Check-In counters, Luggage conveyor belts, departure Gates and Duty free Shops. Even the toilets work. In the months-long trial with Thousands of volunteers, the BER Management has practiced runs again and again the seriousness of the case and the Normal-mode- up to boarding the plane. Everything works, everything runs, everything moves, everything flies.

airport CEO Engelbert Lütke Daldrup is satisfied: In the three and a half years of his tenure, he has tamed Germany’s largest Chaos-project, a tangled ball of wool from the kilometre-long cable strands, alarm disabled fire and smoke extraction systems unravels, a lack of emergency power supply is installed and extends a short staircase railings and escalators. Lütke Daldrup is a crisis Manager who had to work off a list with approximately 150,000 construction defects. Even the Corona couldn’t stop him. Actually the airport should bear his name. Probably Lütke Daldrup would refuse politely. Günter Wicker / Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Engelbert Lütke Daldrup, Chairman of the management Board of Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH, crisis Manager, and full of the Willy-Brandt-airport.

the present name of the patron Saint of the BER in the grave is spinning around, is not excluded: The Willy-Brandt-airport is a concrete-cast memorial to the waste, corruption, inefficiency and political short-sightedness. The largest Bauskandal of German history. Before the castle of Neuschwanstein. The history of the BER reads like a political Thriller. Setting: a banana Republic.

a waste of taxpayers ‘ money from the start

Actually, it would have been allowed to BER in Schoenefeld, never give up. The site-selection at the beginning of the 1990s was not transparent: Shortly after the turn of Mannesmann and AEG presented in 1991 a report that the airport company suggested that the existing East-Schoenefeld (SXF) to expand. As a precautionary measure, the state-owned companies such as bought 100 acres of overpriced farmland for the equivalent of about 200 million euros . However, the so-called “Baufeld Ost” was never used for an airport construction. For the BER. Numerous celebrities, speculators had earned, however here’s a Golden nose. Today you can admire there an Aldi store.

A Search and a spatial planning procedure in 1993/94, seven potential sites rated, then around Berlin. The South of Berlin, the locations Sperenberg and Jüterbog-Ost cut at the best. In the ranking of factors such as noise pollution, environmental protection, economic efficiency, development potential, or to transport a fin. the Schönefeld landed on the last place. , The then Federal Minister of transport Matthias Wissmann (CDU, later, President of the German Association of the automotive industry) and Berlin’s mayor Eberhard Diepgen (CDU, collapsed in 2001 in the Berlin banking scandal) were in favour of supposedly cost-Schönefeld reasons, however.

shady adviser and violations of the procurement law

Brandenburg’s former Prime Minister, Manfred Stolpe (SPD) offered in 1995 for a stronger participation of his country for the location Sperenberg, where, until 1994, a Russian military airfield was in operation. Wissmann and Diepgen rejected. Diepgen followed the advice of the dubious intermediary, Herbert Märtin. The magazine “der Spiegel” had published over Märtin already have a Dossier, but the prosecution was later not able to corroborate their suspicion of fraud against the SPD-man and glider pilot Märtin. The higher regional court of Berlin held in 1999, however, several violations of the procurement law. Who benefited from the location decisions for Schönefeld ultimately, personally, can no longer be ascertained. The best lawyers in Germany in 2019

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The plan-approval decisions to Schönefeld have been explained in the subsequent years by the higher administrative court of Brandenburg as unconstitutional and had to be cured retrospectively about changes in the law “” to. In 2005, the Federal administrative court finally gave the green light for the construction of the BER. The absurd way in which planning procedures bot in consequence of Material for several scientific papers and for an extraordinary anniversary: The planning approval decision for the BER was the first procedure in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany, which did not follow the recommendation of the regional planning.

Hochtief is not a came due to suspicion of fraud to the train

After 1999, Hochtief should buy the airport company and the BER build, step, the higher regional court of Brandenburg, because there was a suspicion of fraud against Hochtief. Also, further efforts by Hochtief to come in 2003, but the train failed. The airport company remained in the state. The Federal government, Berlin and Brandenburg wanted to self-build. the 1.7 billion Euro was estimated to Hochtief for the construction : The public appeared at the time far too expensive.

The political leaders were now for Berlin, Klaus Wowereit (SPD), for Brandenburg, Matthias Platzeck (SPD) and the German Federal Ministry of transport Platzecks predecessor as Prime Minister, Manfred Stolpe (SPD; starting in 2005, Wolfgang Tiefensee, SPD). The architecture office GMP from Hamburg and JSK from Frankfurt a. m. took over the General planning. Both had experience in the design and construction of multibillion-dollar infrastructure projects. GMP had already been in the construction of Tegel airport in the 1970s, one of the party.

politicians had gambled away: costs explode for construction defects without end

Had Hochtief expected in 2003 to 1.7 billion euros, calculated in 2007 with construction costs in the amount of 2.0 billion. In 2009, the plans were increased from 22 to 27 million passengers, which made a bigger Terminal is required: 2.9 billion Euro were estimated. After the topping-out ceremony for the main terminal in April 2010 the endless Aria of the shifts of the opening date began. Construction defects on construction defects had accumulated. In may 2012, the two architects were terminated without notice.

If the BER of 2012, would really have gone to the network, there would have been a disaster : at that Time, the airport was operating only 56.2 percent, the country court of Brandenburg. Berlin.de, Senate Department for environment, transport and climate protection

S-Bahn, U-Bahn, Regio Express train and motorway: At BER not to come any more now.

Five years of the BER airport in Schönefeld around irrlichterte undead like a Zombie, until, finally, Lütke Daldrup, the control took over. Damages, payments, deficiencies, withdrawals, and maintenance of the existing infrastructure made the cost of the BER ultimately to 7.3 billion euros to swell.

Toxic mix: plan for lots of builders, shoddy and fraudulent construction companies

Numerous requests for changes to the policy in the planning and the insolvency of the responsible engineering offices IGK-IGR 2010 are cited as reasons for the ABOUT-Chaos, but also the shoddy and the result of the uncoordinated work of German high-tech giants such as Siemens, Bosch and T-Systems. This lubricant came from money payments to smaller and larger companies, and accusations of corruption against the above-mentioned German high-tech Elite, because of excessive bills.

at Least, at Siemens, bribery was “common practice”. And bribery and fraud were the leadership staff of the BER construction site, seemingly on the agenda. In the meantime, in Germany, insolvent building supplier, Imtech had settled 40,000 hours, but not paid, and in addition, a representative of the airport company bribed (money transfer to the A24). The prosecution had a lot to do. The investigation Committee of the Berlin house of representatives as well.

ABOUT is finally finished – but now too small

Against the politicians responsible have not yet been determined. They had led the BER-Chaos is only brought about. 31. October will see the lunacy comes to its preliminary end – apart from the fact that the airport is now much too small. In Berlin in 2019, almost 36 million passengers were handled. The BER is included cheap-flight-Terminal-only 31 million designed. The old SXF airport must remain in operation until the Terminals are expanded at BER more. Because that might take a little longer. “He is himself his greatest enemy” – Why the TV debates, Joe Biden, damage can FOCUS Online/Wochit “He himself is his greatest enemy” – Why the TV debates Joe Biden can do harm?

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