daily use of Social Media offers many opportunities, but also poses some legal risks. Copyright and the right to the own image, the imprint obligation, up to the legally compliant Social Media Marketing, there are a number of legal pitfalls to avoid. You will learn in the lecture of the RA Christian Solmecke all about the typical Liability incurred in the network and learn to work around them.

All the info for the Webinar by Christian Solmecke:

  • Tuesday, 22. August, 18.30
  • duration: 1 hour
  • Ticket price: 9,90 €
  • language: English

About Christian Solmecke

Christian Solmecke (46) is a lawyer and owner of the Cologne office WILD BEUGER SOLMECKE, which is specialized on the advice of the Online industry. He is the managing Director of the German Institute for communication and law on the Internet (DIKRI) at the Cologne Business School.

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