In the Median clinic Heiligendamm, chief Jördis frommhold patients are looked after with a Corona disease. For many weeks after the disease symptoms.

woman Frommhold, behind them a turbulent months.

Jördis Frommhold: Yes, and not just because I’m in the beginning of may chief. Two weeks earlier, on the Tuesday after Easter, we had taken the first Covid-19-patients. For us, it was how many We knew, there’s something coming towards us. But we had no exact idea of what.

surprised you, what actually came?

Frommhold: Absolutely. So far, we have treated over 60 Covid patients with different degrees of severity of the disease. The vast majority were between 35 and 60 years old. All of our patients have in common that they had no pre-existing conditions. Young, dynamic, powerful – this description fits it.

From the triathletes to the sport-savvy housewife: The were and are people who take good care of yourself. That someone was in his best years would be due to this Virus so sick, has me baffled. The language also what circles at the beginning of Research news on Sars-CoV-2 came.

the Covid-patients who come to Heiligendamm have Been ventilated, all of them?

Frommhold: this is astounding. A whole series had supposedly mild symptoms. Supposedly I say because they are simply not healthy. In statistics they are called the Convalescent, but if these people are sitting opposite me and I ask them how they would classify their performance on a scale of one to ten, they say, So two to three.

The recovery time is at Covid-19 sometimes very long, to compare it not with a flu, where after the Disappearance of the Virus again, everything goes on as before. Many of the victims believe, so it would have to be Corona and here comes, then, as I said, this misleading term “recover” in the game. Who is so called, and even so would like to perceive, there is sometimes everything to get back in the usual everyday walk.

The road pushes the first, maybe, when he realizes that he is not powerful. However, this is only possible to a limited extent. Many of the patients are very exhausted, when you arrive with us. Physically, but also mentally, due to pressure, they make: I want to, it needs to be healthy.

  • FOCUS Online also spoke with a patient of the Median clinic Heiligendamm. you can read here, which of late he had to fight after his illness.

How do you explain the physical condition of the patient?

Frommhold: striking the shallow breathing, some of the ventilating patients Hyper many. The air stays in the upper chest, not deep in the belly. Often also only by mouth is not breathing, through the nose. Organic damage to the lungs, however, are only one possible explanation. We have found that many Covid-have forgotten the patient to breathe properly.

And to go that it starts better if you work on your breathing technique. We work with different methods. Makes it easy to strengthen the atrophied muscles again. Various respiratory and inhalation training, leading to a deeper breath, massages also play a role, such as special Breathing.

It is nice to see how patients come step by step from their position.

It is nice to see how patients come step by step from their position. And as you are alone about the fitter. A part of the way we learn, by the way, with the patients: That the right breathing technique is so important, was, in the beginning, is not clear.

  • tip for reading: “I’m constantly caught a cold”: 4, patients talk about the consequences of their Covid-19-disease

Is the proper Breathing is the Central point in terms of performance increase?

Frommhold: It is one of three therapy blocks. A second targeted treatment of neural problems. Taste and smell disturbances play a rather subordinate role, it is mainly concentration and word-finding disorders, which the patient.

I remember a patient who was at home more often and then only robbend was progressing. Other hospital visitors ‘ reports of Numbness in the arms and legs. Here we work with coordination, training, and postural exercises.

And then, there is a third of course of Exercises for General performance increase: On the patient’s needs, build sports programs, strength training equipment, up to Nordic Walking, the range. The rehabilitation measures are always very individual to the individual patient.

surf tip: All the news about the Corona of a pandemic, refer to the News Ticker of FOCUS Online

the patients by staying with them healthy again?

Frommhold: , A wholly-owned insurance, we are not able to give. Covid-19 is a new disease that we don’t learn to understand something of the long-term studies. In fact, however, there is some reason to be optimistic, at least in our group of patients.

And that should perhaps be emphasized, because patients are not able to run after discharge from the hospital, or not even a glass to hold, which we do not see. A prerequisite for a stay with us mobility and independence. It may go down slowly, but it should go it alone.

The patients are, on average, three to five weeks. And then?

Frommhold: Prior to the dismissal I question in the concluding discussion, again, how would you rate your level of performance. At Seven, I hear as often. Or: Eight. Of course this is a huge progress compared to the beginning. I always say: you have to get the tools to create the last 20% alone. We have to remember that regaining physical Fitness is not everything.

mental, are taken by many patients quite. We have here at the clinic for a Post-Corona group, but the meetings go beyond the organized discussion group, often lots of Fort. The need to feel understood and to be taken seriously, it is great. In this respect, the discharge for some patients is likely to be a challenge.

Not only to a tourist resort such as Heiligendamm, where the people yearn for light-heartedness, are parts of the population in dealing with Corona negligent. Sometimes it is done just so, as if there were not the Virus at all. For the so-called Convalescent, I am a bit of a burden. Worry something else causes me but especially.


Frommhold: I wonder how the now over 180,000 Recovering in our country, really. How many of them may not want to admit that it is, in spite of this Status goes bad. And if these people try then maybe to the point of exhaustion to accomplish everyday.

Can be any of the above-mentioned complaints of chronic, if the everything is too long? Possibly this is so. As I said: Really not a matter of course is to breathe, if it was weeks or months of restricted. You need professional support.

what is your conclusion after three and a half months as the chief doctor at a rehabilitation clinic with a Post-Corona concept?

Frommhold: I am glad that we can make the patient’s courage. I think we understand Covid-19 getting better and better, can call our treatment concept successfully. The conclusion belongs to but sure that I must let go of the personally-everything is yet to sink in.

This young guy, what the…? I get asked more often. Yes exactly, I say then. I treat people in my age, could be self-patient. Check the distances, Meeting up with friends to reduce, and not to travel abroad, there are for me at the Moment not an Alternative.

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