new wave, a new battery of measures. The government wants to change “by the end of August,” the health rules to stem the coronavirus in the company, in particular, through the mandatory wearing of the mask ” in certain situations, indicates the minister of Labour, Elizabeth Terminal, in an interview in the Journal du dimanche published on the 16th of August.

To two weeks of the academic year and in full recovery epidemic, “we will present Tuesday to the social partners the first of the developments that we propose to introduce,” said Elizabeth Terminal, adding that these decisions should be taken ” in the coming days, so that the new rules could apply by the end of August “. Among these measures, “the mandatory wearing of the mask” will be promoted ” in the halls of meeting where there is no natural ventilation [and] the spaces of circulation “, but not necessarily in the individual offices where “it is probably not necessary,” she says.

Read also Mask and coronavirus : the “method” to “ABCD” Olivier Véran

The epidemic has led to more “social plans”

The minister intends to enter the High Council of public health on the case of “open space” and the effectiveness of the panes of plexiglass to protect the employees. She did not see, however, ” no reason to challenge the current rule of detachment “, requiring a square metre per workstation. The employer must show “more vigilant” when ” workers are welcomed in a collective accommodation, as is the case for seasonal workers “, but also “in the cold environments and wet” such as abattoirs, writes Elizabeth Terminal.

with Regard to teleworking, it remains “recommended” and “it needs to be put in place whenever it is possible in the zones of active circulation of the virus,” she says. In addition, the minister of Labour recognises that the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus ” translates into more social plans “, with ” 275 backup plans for employment initiated since the beginning of march “.

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