New drama is various concerning the wearing of the mask. A man, 43-year-old has struck a knife in the eye, a security officer who had denied access to a bar in Brest fault mask, wounding him seriously in the eye, has it learned Sunday from the police brestoise.

Friday, August 14, around midnight, in the city centre of Brest, ” there was an altercation between a customer who was not wearing a mask to enter in a bar and one of the security officers was assaulted with a knife by this client “, said to the Agence France-presse the office of the commissioner of police of Brest.

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The abuser “presented to an investigative judge on Sunday”

The client, who had been turned away at the entrance to the bar, then comes back a half hour later with a knife. The watchman receives two strokes of the knife, including one to the eye, and collapses to the ground. Of the clients of the bar stepped in to rescue him, says the commissioner. Serious injury to the eye, the vigil was operated on Saturday morning, his prognosis is not engaged.

“The attacker, who was alcoholic, and who has been diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia, was placed in custody and must be presented to an investigative judge Sunday for an indictment,” added the police brestoise, stating that the man was “already known” of the police service.

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