a Few words accomplices reported here and there, a visit to the Puy du Fou in 2016 and photos. It was not necessary any more to have an exemption granted by the préfecture of the Vendée at the amusement park of Philippe de Villiers casts doubt on a possible interference of the president. It is nothing, securing the services of the head of State, according to The Sunday Newspaper.

The presidency of the Republic explained that there has “been no intervention of the Elysée palace” to authorize the le Puy du Fou accommodate up to 9,000 spectators, Saturday 15 August, when the limit is set to 5,000 people. Emmanuel Macron would have been “surprised” by the decision of local authorities, according to a close. It would have also “called for the vigilance and fairness,” says the same source.

Read also Coronavirus : the Puy du Fou is back on the gatherings

A derogation renewed the next weekend ?

in the Face of the controversy rising, the prefecture of Vendée has detailed the reasons for his approach. “The testing campaigns carried out in recent days show that the department knows, for the moment, the level of vulnerability is limited,” explains a press release, figures in support. And recall that the ” commitments made by the promoter “, such as ” divide the audience into three separate streams “, ” leave 4 000 free parking spaces to allow for the distance physical between each group of persons, or to distribute the hydroalcoholic gel.

The prefecture adds that she does not exclude to renew the derogation “for the shows the weekend of 21 and 22 August using a” re-evaluation of the health situation as well as on the effective respect of the commitments made at the time of the representation of the 15 August “.

Consult our folder : Coronavirus : the world stop

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