The Free school on the Peninsula of Prerow, their teaching methods should be behind closed doors any longer doubted been, aroused now because of the critical speech of the 18-year-old high school graduates grain attention Fiete. During his Abiballs he should have about the way the school Director will lead the school, talked to the “Baltic sea newspaper”.

Surveillance, of intimidation and not a good lesson

Among other things, he reported that students had been encouraged to monitor their peers. Even from a “surveillance mentality of the school,” said Fiete grain. Further, he stresses-references, and warnings had usually been publicly pronounced in front of the entire class, and thus intimidation has become part of the school climate.

And also the academic achievements speak for themselves: In this year’s written matriculation examination in mathematics, eleven of the 13 candidates failed. In order to make the statements, had to be compensated for the Note with a different test performance. However, a possible examination topic, stochastics, had been treated in the courses. Instead, it had been mostly mediated by the own work on homework.

After the speech of high school graduates: the Bohemian man a

switches The speech could have legal consequences for the former student: The school principal should have him for defamation displayed. The exact reasons for this, he had not called, however. “This is an open procedure, the investigating authorities still investigating. I can’t comment on the advice of the lawyer at present”, the rector to the “Baltic sea newspaper”.

After all the fuss the talk has turned now also satirist Jan böhmermann – and the 18-Year-old offered an internship. “Coupon for Lord Fiete grain for an extensive editorial internship in a ZDF-main program-satire show from/with Dr. Jan “Gerald” Bohemian man”, tweeted the Bohemian man on Sunday to an article about the 18-Year-olds. Underneath it he wrote “please cut and return”, a little later, another Tweet with “serious” afterwards to send.

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speaks of The school

The school is contrary to the allegations vehemently. Only one of the 13 candidates have passed the exam as a whole. The statement that eleven of the 13 students had failed, was wrong. On the demand, how many students had not passed the mathematics exam, had not been addressed by the school, however.

the headmaster announced that there would be at the of the Freie Schule Prerow, no intimidation and no related Experiments. “As far as references must be made, is based on the advice in the pedagogical collective, and is also communicated to the students. Further cooperation with the students is not marked by humiliation,“ it says of the Competent.

mayor on the side of the school

But parents and students stand on the side of the high school graduates. After the speech, to be heard in the hall of concurring applause. And also the mayor of Prerow now want another operator for the school, “to improve conditions in a sustainable way.”

especially the fact that the support of the school should also be in the real estate business have made him suspicious. So gave it in the spring an incident in which the headmaster made it clear that he wanted to buy the land like. He had also paid the rent of the school for a longer period of time, to use the accumulated money as a means of pressure.

are bound at least for the Moment the mayor hands. Only the government can decide whether or not the operator of a free school may be deprived of the license.

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