in the World, people are encouraged to wear in stores face masks, the Covid-19-pandemic-mitigate – but not all protect the wearer equally well. Researchers have tested 14 Corona-masks and filtered out which model performs the function best, and what style offers no protection at all. (Also read: mask duty – what is the mask really makes sense, and how can you restore self-a?)

Corona-masks: this is The Test result

For most people to Wear a mouth-nose cover is now one of the everyday life. Some of them rely on self-made models, others use the disposable masks for medical personnel and others have opted for a purchased copy of well-known Labels. Many models differ in shape, Material and installation can vary greatly. But what are the mask protects the wearer and makes no sense?

In the study, the on 7. August 2020 in the journal “Science Advances” was published, researchers at the Duke University in the US tested in the state of North Carolina, 14 different types of masks on their function. The occasion for the Experiment, the question of an Initiative for the distribution of reusable Corona-protection masks to the needy was. You wanted to know whether the selected model provides in fact an effective protection against Covid-19.

In the investigation it was tested which of the models when you Speak with the least number of aerosols – i.e. particles are suspended in the saliva can leak out.

the order of The depicted in the photo mask corresponds to the quality ranking, but shows the Test sequence.

Science Advances GQ Fitness

Here is the assessment of the researchers comes from useless to the best protection.

14. Scarf or Loop (11)

The scarf (also in a Loop called a) according to the scientists, worse than the total lack of a mask. It showed in the Test, that greater saliva droplets into smaller ones disintegrate and the pages can slip, causing a potential infection is going to be very likely. (Also interesting: mask disinfect – so it cleans the Mouth guard properly)

13. Bandanas (12)

As a Style Item revered, makes the Bandana as a mask, use a little sense. As well as the Duke University study showed, it covers the cloth, neither the face enough as of yet, it sits really well on the head. This is also true for all other types of shawl and scarves, according to the researchers.

12. Simple DIY mask made from T-Shirt fabric without layers (picture 3)

Self-made masks made from T-Shirt fabric to hold back more droplets than the other two models. Usually the Hold of the DIY versions on the face is to bad for real protection.

11. Two-layer cotton, shirred stitched – self (image 9 )

This ruched mask made of two layers of cotton cloth cut off, only slightly better than those without earnings.

10. Single-layer cotton, shirred stitched – self (image 10)

The mask with only a layer of cotton worked just as well as those with two layers.

9. “Maxima AT Mask” – not even sewn (picture 6)

The ruched cotton mask of the North Carolina-based company, “Hudson’s Hill” fulfilled Essentially the same degree of functionality such as 10 and 11. This is the model of the Initiative for the needy, which triggered the Test.

8. Self-stitched cotton mask (8)

The DIY-mask was made after the popular Olson pattern and offers because of the poor fit, only an insufficient protection.

7. N95 mask with valve (image 2)

N95 masks with valve protect the wearer from the Inhalation of harmful substances and serve less the protection of others, according to the researchers.

6. Two-layer cotton mask with ribbon binding (figure 7)

The cotton version with two layers and ribbons to Tie in is in the midfield and is also only a mediocre protection.

5. Single layer cotton mask with bow tie (picture 13)

Like the previous masks, this is one single layer cotton mask with ribbons offers a mediocre level of protection. “It depends on how loud you speak and how well your face fits”, or whether the facial hair is causing a looser fit, so the statement of the researchers. (Also of interest: Training with a mask – is sports with a Mouth guard makes sense?)

4. Mask is made from polypropylene (figure 4)

This mask is made of two layers of a synthetic material section in the Test, only marginally better than those of cotton.

3. Polypropylene-cotton mixture (picture 5)

third place goes to a mask, wherein a location of the synthetic textile polypropylene between two layers of cotton sewn in.

2. OP-mask (image 1)

The disposable surgical mask was the second-most effective variant in the Test, and could Speak almost no particles to the outside.

1. Medical N95 mask (image 14)

No wonder that the number one-ranked medical breathing apparatus to be worn a protective mask for health care workers: she was in the Test the mask with the largest effect and is especially recommended for people, who are among the risk groups.

Next, the researchers are advised to refrain from especially to masks made of Fleece. Because these are larger drops, which are released when Speaking, in smaller split, which can then stay longer in the air. This leads to the risk of infection is increased, especially in confined areas.

This article was written by (

*The post “Corona-masks in the Test: According to the researchers, these models protect really – but an increases the risk even more!” will be released by GQ. Contact with the executives here.