The experts of ImmoScout24 consider in your “residential real estate index IMX” the five conurbations of Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt/Main and Munich. There are two segments for residential real estate: new buildings or objects from the inventory. In addition, you differentiate between single-family homes and apartments.

Basically, the study found, for authors: The prices continue to climb, albeit at a slower pace than the last time. Real estate Atlas 2020

In this PDF guide you will find everything that is Important to the topics of rent, the purchase price for condos and houses in 100 cities.

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The real estate professionals recognize that the momentum of rising prices for inventory homes “slow to repent”. The lead, however, to a nationwide decline in prices – rather, the price is slowing down that increase. He fell from 1.7 percent in the second quarter to 1.1 per cent between July and September, according to the study.

In some Metropolitan areas, the prices for existing homes between the second and the third quarter:

  • Berlin: – 0.9%
  • Munich: – 3.8%
  • Frankfurt am Main: – 4.1%

The prices on new construction-single family homes grew even slower, such as ImmoScout24 added. Here are the offer prices increased from the second to the third quarter of 2020 in Germany to 0.6 percent. In the previous quarter, the price was plus 1.5 percent.

prices for new condos in high-altitude flight – only München

falters The offer prices for stock-ownership apartments increased from the second to the third quarter in Germany, by 2.4 percent. All of the studied five Metropolitan areas will be more expensive.


apartments, houses and commercial objects.

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housing starts , a Price increase of 1.4 per cent between the second and the third quarter was nationwide. With the exception of particularly expensive Munich is the offer prices fell in the third quarter to 1.5 percent.

When looking at the past twelve months, according to ImmoScout24 a clear price trend: existing homes rose by an average of 10.1 percent. New condominiums increased in price by 4.8 percent.

Thomas Schroeter, CEO of ImmoScout24, explains: “in Germany the prices for condos rose in stock within one year, significantly more than in the new construction area. The momentum in the new construction Segment is somewhat weaker. Overall, we see but over the last few months, continues to be a stable price situation in the residential real estate.“

development of the IMX from 2007 to 2020 ImmoScout24 1. March each year is represented by an index value. the Moderate price development for flats to rent in stock

In the Germany-wide viewing, there were in the third quarter of 2020 with 0.3 percent in only moderate increases in the rent level for existing homes . This corresponds to the Trend of the last quarters of the year, the real estate professionals.

The average value of 0.3 percent, but should not obscure the fact that some Metropolitan areas have significantly higher rent increases. For objects that are older than two years, resulted in the following values:

  • Frankfurt am Main: +1.9%
  • Munich: +1.4%
  • Hamburg: +0.7%

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