Google has announced Thursday, November 19, the signing of agreements with “a number of editors of daily newspapers and magazines, including The World, International Mail, Obs, Le Figaro, Liberation, and The Express” in the framework of the negotiations on the neighbouring rights.

“We are currently in discussion with many other players in the daily press national and regional, as well as the press magazine,” adds the american giant in a blog post. The rights related to copyright provide that they be paid for their content (texts, photos, videos, etc.) when these are used by the online platforms.

Google had refused at first to pay for the French press, triggering a standoff with the sector. The French competition Authority had been directed to negotiate with the publishers, a decision confirmed by the Paris court of appeal.

An agreement “before the end of the year”

in Addition to these first agreements, individual, Google continues to negotiate with the Alliance of the press of general information about a framework agreement, negotiations which should culminate before the end of the year.”

” This breakthrough allows you to pay publishers in France for the purposes of the act on neighbouring rights, according to criteria that are objective, transparent and non-discriminatory, such that the contribution of the editor to the information policy and general, its daily volume of publication, its Internet audience monthly, as well as the use of the content on our sites “, greet Sebastien Missoffe, director general of Google France, in the blog post.

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