Small Cells to improve in Berlin, the LTE network. The Telekom brings 150 MBit/s in a radius of up to 200 meters. Deutsche Telekom built with Ilg outdoor advertising 200 advertising columns with LTE Small Cells. The company announced on 30. March 2021 known. Details of the supplier of the mobile technology, Telecom made on multiple demand. Thus, it is assumed that it is Huawei. “A lot of different companies to supply us,” said Telekom spokesman Georg Wagner.

The Chinese company Huawei in the 5G Expansion of technologically advanced, but is seen particularly in many democratically governed States is critical. It ensures that the dictator-ruled China, with Huawei’s help influence important communication infrastructure. Australia, new Zealand, Japan, Taiwan and the United States have excluded Huawei, therefore, already from the 5G build-up. Huawei shall apply in the EU as a so-called high-risk providers.

Berlin: antennas in advertising columns to increase the capacity of the mobile network

Let Tiede, project Manager of Telekom for the cooperation with Ilg, said: “The installation of mobile small cells in the advertising columns should primarily increase the capacity of our mobile network. The power and the fiber connection coming down from the floor of the advertising columns. The antenna is mounted in the lid. We here in the first line emitters. But also directional antennas in use.”

The Systemtechnik sends the Signal from LTE to a frequency of 2.6 GHz with a Bandbreie of 20 MHz. The customer receives a data rate of 150 MBit/s in a radius of up to 200 meters. Later can also be used with 5G technology, according to Tiede possible.

pilot: 200 advertising columns with Small Cells for Berlin

Ilg outdoor advertising, the advertising for the pilot pillars for the installation of the technology available and built up to the end of the year, the 200-advertising columns with Small Cells. The “useless inner cylinder” will “is used for mobile radio technology, or similar application is useful,” said Stefan Baumann from Ilg outdoor advertising. Thus, the advertising column gets to a door and is used for maintenance of the technology accessible.

Frank Schramm, speaker, mobile & IoT at the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, said: “These Small Cells cellular capacity where it is needed, without the city’s image will suffer.”

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The Original to this post “Telecom power of advertising pillars to cellular antenna technology, probably comes from Huawei” comes from the Golem.
