“I think there are very malign actors that are trying,” she explained. She added:”Even as we talk, there are thousands of attacks on all elements of the energy industry and the private industry generally.”

Was struck in May using a crippling cyberattack with a ransomware group. Colonial temporarily closed down its gas distribution networks at the South prior to paying $4.4 million to the hackers. She advocated energy organizations to resist paying ransom.

“The main point is, folks, if you are private business, public sector, anything, you should not be paying ransomware strikes, since it merely encourages the bad men,” she explained.

Granholm even talked in favor of having a law which would prohibit paying these ransom, though she explained,”I really don’t understand if Congress or the president is at the point.”

Wondering if American adversaries possess the capacity now of shutting down the U.S. grid, she explained:”Yesthey do.”

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the United States and other nations should speak to nations including Russia, which is thought to be the source on several ransomware strikes, about law enforcement and intelligence collaboration”to close down it.”

Rice said this could”examine the fact of just how much the Russian authorities is or isn’t involved” in such strikes.