Thousands of Zantac lawsuits are expected to be filed in several years, accusing Zantac manufacturers and their distributors of causing cancer. On top of that, thousands of plaintiffs filing similar lawsuits claim that they have suffered from similar symptoms after using Zantac. Zantac responds with statements claiming that all of the lawsuits filed against them are meritless. However, these Zantac lawsuits would prove much stronger with a mass tort lawsuit as victims, and their families could potentially receive compensation from multiple manufacturers and distributors.

Zantac Lawsuits

Zantac has decided to fight these lawsuits tooth and nail because of the billions of dollars that they have put into their business over the years. They are not going to risk millions of dollars when a single plaintiff decides to sue them. While their main product is supposed to aid in the reduction of a person’s weight, it has been shown that some people have become severely ill from taking Zantac. Adding to this that many children have become victims of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome since the drug was sold without FDA approval, and you have one very unhappy group of people.

Anti-ageing supplements

To make things worse, other drug companies have taken notice of Zantac’s lawsuits and are creating their versions of anti-ageing supplements. One such manufacturer is GenF20. While Zantac is not doing anything illegal, generic manufacturers are sure to take advantage of this by using the company and forcing them to release a generic version of Zantac. Generic manufacturers can also file lawsuits against Zantac if they feel the product is unsafe for general use. These lawsuits are usually financially supported by drug companies that have lost money on the original Zantac formulation.

Appeal to get compensatory damages

Another way drug manufacturers can gain financially from the lawsuits is by appealing the court to get compensatory damages. Commonly known as punitive damages, the amount of money these lawsuits can ask for can be very high. However, the court may not hand down these amounts unless the plaintiffs prove that its product was dangerous and caused them great bodily harm. These lawsuits are meritless lawsuits which mean that the plaintiffs need to prove their damages beyond a reasonable doubt. It may take months or even years before the courts decide on the case, which makes the chance of winning slim.

Class-action lawsuit

Due to all the legal battles, few victims of Zantac are getting their desired settlement. Zantac is the only company that was forced to file a class-action lawsuit, and it still isn’t settling the claims brought forth against it. Most victims of Zantac choose to pursue a settlement with a reputable law firm. Several law firms specialize in cases involving defective products like Zantac.

Most victims are left with many medical bills and cannot work while their healthcare costs are stacking up. In addition to paying for their treatment, they are faced with countless bills from their injury attorney and court fees and lost income. This type of scenario isn’t uncommon in mass tort cases. Only in this case, the plaintiff is forced to file a lawsuit to receive compensation.

Generic version of Zantac

Due to Zantac’s popularity, many other drug companies have looked into producing a generic version of Zantac. This has been met with heavy resistance by the generic drugs’ original manufacturers. The original manufacturers do not want their drugs taken from the shelves because they will profit from them. As such, they usually fight any attempts by generic manufacturers to use similar ingredients which contain the same active chemical. If successful, these lawsuits force the courts to force the generic manufacturers to abide by the same standards which Zantac has set.

In addition to Zantac, hundreds of lawsuits are filed in state and federal courts across the country due to defective drugs. If you’re one of the many people who have been asked questions by a law firm concerning whether or not they have a case against a certain pharmaceutical company, you may want to hire a legal expert to help you with the research. When searching current or former Zantac or plaintiffs who have filed claims against the company, keep in mind that you should only trust law firms with experienced attorneys fighting these types of cases. You don’t want to waste your time or resources on a law firm that lacks expertise in these types of lawsuits.