Beijing Olympics has been overthrown by robots. They have at least taken over the delivery of food.

The only way for athletes, journalists and attendees to be fed in the so-called “closed loop” at the Winter Olympics 2022 is to receive a remote delivery. This delivery will be sent via an overhead conveyance to separate tables.

China has set aside a safe area for international journalists and athletes who will be arriving in China for the Winter Games, which begin Feb. 4. It provides all the comforts of home as well as freedom to roam the country. To contain everyone, they have created a policed, fenced-off loop that will hopefully contain the COVID-19 virus.

Participants may not receive food in the traditional manner while inside the loop. reports Reuters that food is prepared and served at the press center by robot chefs who assemble everything from sandwiches to hamburgers to noodles, and then deliver the finished meal to the tables under an overhead grid.

We like the pink theme in the presentation.

Plexiglas panels are used to section off tables. This allows people to see each other but does not allow them to spread the virus (hopefully).

Participants living within the loop will need to adjust to this; they’ll be redirected to one of 25 special locations from the moment they arrive at Beijing’s airport until the time they leave.
NPR reports that organizers also added beauty salons and coffee shops to their list of offerings, although it is not clear if these locations will be manned by robot